Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Go big or go home! Or... Do both? 1-6-15

 In this weeks adventures we saw wolves, got followed by a horse, got
 locked in a jail cell, saw a ton of miracles and tender mercies, and
 completed a bunch of things on my mission bucket list!

 As you may have noticed today is Tuesday and not Monday... Sorry for
 not warning you last week that my P-day was going to be different.
 Actually never mind, I just remembered I didn't know until Tuesday or
 Wednesday. We got to go to the temple today! We had to wake up at 3AM
 so we could leave the house by 4 and be at the mission office in Tampa
 by 5:30. 😵 I am so tired, but it was 200% worth it! It was so
 beautiful and we ran into some of the Orlando missionaries that were
 there working on temple grounds. It was so weird to see missionaries
 that weren't from our mission! The temple was incredible! Definitely
 the highlight of my week. :)

 Let me back track a bit... The wolves were in someone's backyard and
 they were actually a hybrid between a wolf and some dog. They were
 cute, but I was glad there was a fence separating me from them. That
 same day we stopped at another house and they invited us in to come
 look at their backyard that had this old western town built completely
 from scratch. They had a legit jail cell and so of course we had to
 get a picture in it! If this was real then this picture would describe
 our personalities so well. Sister yellow is smiling and saying
 something to the effect of, "it's okay, we will pray and be fine!"
 Then you have sister Blain who is like, "how the heck did we get
 here!? My life is over!" And then there is me who seems to have no
 idea of the severity of the situation and is like, "Hey guys! We are
 in a jail cell! This is awesome!" #ILoveMyCompanions

 Two things we did on my mission bucket list was chase down the ice
 cream man and teach him the restoration lesson. It was awesome! Then
 we bought a bouquet of flowers and took them to the cemetery to give
 to a random stranger. The lady we gave them to was so happy! Service
 is the best! Oh and we had dinner with Jason, Sonnie, shell and Isaac!
 It was so good to spend some time with them!

 I know this email is kind of long, but I just realized this is the
 last email I will send as a full time missionary so I just wanted to
 add a thank you to pretty much everyone who is reading this. There is
 no way I could have had the courage to serve a mission if it wasn't
 for my incredibly supportive family and amazing friends. I've had so
 many church leaders who helped shape me too. You know who you are and
 I love you for that. I am so grateful for all the people here in
 Florida too. My companions, the members and especially all those who
 have literally taken me in as part of their families. The last year
 and a half have been such an incredible experience. I wouldn't change
 a single thing and I would absolutely do it again without a second

 I know mission calls are inspired. I know that I was sent here to
 Florida for a reason and a large part of that reason was a blessing
 for me personally and my family. I know we have a loving father in
 Heaven who knows and loves us and who wants us to be happy. We have a
 savior, Jesus Christ, who has made it possible for us to live with
 them both again. I can't believe that in just 6 days I won't be
 wearing this name tag anymore. It seems so unreal. I am going to miss
 this place and these people so much. I am so grateful for the tender
 mercies of God, and me receiving a mission call was definitely a
 tender mercy. :)

 I love you all so so so so much! Have an incredible week.

 Love always,
 Sister Upshaw

 P.s. Sorry for not responding to anyone's emails this week. I only had
 a short time to email and I figured I will see y'all in 6 days so I'll
 respond to your emails in person. :)


Trip to Orlando Florida Temple

                                                         Horse at a members house

                                             This is in the backyard of a members house

She and her companions had dinner with her brother Jason and his family

                                                            This is just Chelsea