Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I live on the sun... 6-10-14

Things I learned this week

-Florida is clearly located closer to the sun than any other place on earth. The car says it's 98, but it feels 10X hotter than any summer day in Vegas! I have come to love sweat... Jokes, I can't even complain. Kelsey and Dylan totally have me beat.

-My mission president loves me and my family! 

-and sometimes when I answer the phone I am too loud and too happy! (Ya! Someone actually
said that to me!) this is how it went down...

I called, he answered:

"Hello?" All confused sounding
Me- "Hi brother Shepherd! How are you doing today!" -sounding super happy about life
Him "Woah woah woah.... You don't have to talk so loud or happy!"

Clearly, not everyone shares my enthusiasm for phone conversations...
I have also been told that when I knock on doors and people ask who it
is my voice goes up like ten octaves when I respond, "it's the
missionaries!" I keep trying to explain it's my excited voice! I just
want people to be excited that we are at their door! How the heck are
they going to be excited if we aren't!?

Definitely the highlight of this week was getting to see my sweet dad.
It's kind of crazy how that ended up happening.  I actually didn't
even ask to see him! I just mentioned in my weekly email to my mission
president that Dad was here visiting Jason. Maybe a minute after I
sent the email we got a text from president asking me to call him. He
basically told me that he felt like it was a good idea for me to meet
up with Daddy. Cool right? This pretty much never happens to
missionaries and yet this is the second time for me. I promised
president no more surprise visits for the next 7 months though
sooo.... Can we manage that? No more trips to Florida! I loved sharing
with Dad, Jase, and Issac the same things I have the opportunity to
teach the people here. :) I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!

Another really cool part about my week was a meeting we had yesterday.
About half the mission met in Sarasota and Elder Clark (from the
quorum of the 70) came and talked with us. It was really cool because
I got to see sister Calder and sister Ormsby! Apparently at the end of
every email sister Ormsby (my MTC comp) sends to president she says,
"p.s. I still love sister Upshaw and wouldn't mind being put back with
her." I'm totally starting that ASAP! She has been in the same area
for 10 months! She is due for a transfer. ;P Anyway... The training
was really amazing too and I learned so many things that have forever
changed my view of missionary work.

During lunch I had the opportunity to sit next to Elder Clark and he asked if we had any questions for him. I asked him what is the most important thing he has learned since he was called as a general authority. He thought for a second and then looked me strait in the eyes and said, "Sister Upshaw, I have learned that this is His work. Not ours." It is so true! I have never understood just how aware God is of each of us. He has a plan for us and that never changes. We may deviate from the path a bit, but he is always preparing a way for us to return. 

I love you all so much! I hope you have a fabulous week! Oh hey.... ya'll should write me... *cough cough* My mail box is developing cob webs... ;P 

Love always,

Sister Chelsea Upshaw! 
Chelsea had a very rare opportunity to teach her dad a missionary discussion while he was visiting her older brother, Jason, in Florida.

She is excited that they get to wear sandals (I had to mail her sandals to her as soon as she found out)

I hear that these are sand cranes

They were waiting out a storm with one of the families in her area

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