Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

1 month until my birthday!!!

Some kid dubbed me an official Floridian this week because I ate sushi! No 
big deal, but it was pretty legit. Not the sushi, the kid dubbing me a 
Floridian! The sushi was GROSS!! Sorry Dad, I tried and I still HATE sea 
food! I have tried it so many times out here and every time it is just as 
gross as it has always been. In fact, I might be crazy, but I think it 
might actually be getting WORSE! Who eats this stuff? Is it even edible? 
People keep trying to convince me shrimp is the best and doesn't even taste 
fishy...Do these people not have taste buds??? When I eat shrimp I literally 
feel like I am drinking the water straight from an aquarium! I've started 
telling people I am allergic... 
In other news, We had dinner at our bishops house this week and his wife 
made CHICKEN BAKES!!! Shay, I was in heaven! They weren't quite as good as 
Shay's, but they were pretty dang close! I have never met anyone else who 
makes those things! It was a good contrast to the aforementioned nastiness! 
It was a nice little piece of home and they were surprised I knew what it 
was. :) 
Something cool happened this week! (something cool happens every week...) 

Before I left home I gave a talk on how families can be forever. When I was 
preparing for that talk I asked my sweet Daddy what he felt the role and 
purpose of a father is. I remember Dad telling me how He always felt it was 
his responsibility to help us understand our relationship with our Heavenly 
Father. He recognized that we would base God's love for us off of the love 
he showed us. I shared that in a lesson and the woman thought it was so 
profound. She goes', "Tell your dad that is one of the most profound things 
I have ever heard." It really helped her understand God's love. So thank 
you for being so awesome Daddy! 

Later in the week we were teaching another lady about God and how he is 
literally our Father in Heaven. Nothing we talked about was new to her, but 
we could tell she didn't really know it for herself. She has been through a 
lot in her life and made some poor decisions along the way. She hardly 
looked us in the eye the entire time. Finally my companion and I both 
stopped talking and just sat in silence for a second. We testified to her 
of the love God has for her. How He sent His son for HER.  I started to 
choke up as I looked her in the eyes and truly felt our Father in Heaven's 
love for her. 

I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have not only an amazing Earthy 
Father that loves me, but I also have a Heavenly Father who wants me and 
all of His children to know how much He loves us and He has sent me here to 
share that love with those who don't know it.  :) 
I love you all so much and guess what!? SO does our Heavenly Father! 
-Love always Sister Upshaw! 
Several of these pictures are from Sis.Calder's blog.  After reading Sis. 
Calder's blog, I know why Chelsea loves her so much.   

Eating guacamole

Chelsea "trying on" Sis. Calder's hair

She really does ride her bike

This was shortly after they were assigned as companions

Twinsie skirts

I'm sure she uses her umbrella quite ofen

She wasn't feeling well last week.  She said this is her "I don't feel well and I need my mommy" look.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hot dog I am tired! Once upon a time I accidentally took the wrong 
allergy medication and I feel drugged! Did you know that there is 
something growing 365 days a year in Florida!? Literally it NEVER 
stops! I keep telling people that I don't know how to deal with it 
because spring only last like six weeks in Vegas. I use to die for six 
weeks, miss a bunch of school and then come back to life around the 
end of April. What if I knew what it was like to breathe? That would 
be glorious! 
In other news, this has been a glorious week! I got TWO packages from 
my lovely mumsie! Do you miss me or something? It's funny because I 
got mail the night before so we were positive the mail box would be 
empty, but it was a st. Patty's day miracle when I had a package! Who 
gets mail twice in one week!? Inconceivable! (In the voice of the 
short stubby man from princes bride). Have I ever told y'all that I 
have the greatest family in the whole wide world? Every day I'm 
reminded how lucky I am. I just love you guys! Even the munchkin 
nieces and nephews that abuse their poor helpless Aunt Chelsea! (Okay, 
especially you munchkins ;P ) 

So this week I was taught a lesson on faith! It's kinda funny because 
Dena told me a story about faith last week. Which I'll tell you after 
my story of faith, because hers is cooler and you're suppose to save the 
best for last right? Anyway... So we pulled up to an appointment and 
we were getting ready to pray when this GIANT wasp started attacking 
our window. We freaked out for a bit, took a few horrifying pictures 
and then decided we were just gonna go for it. ( I know it was just a 
wasp, but we sprayed it with windshield wiper fluid and it was seeking 
REVENGE!) So we say a prayer before we go into the lesson and I 
casually threw in at the end that the wasp wouldn't harm us. Then I 
turned to sister Calder and was like, "Kay we prayed and I have 
faith!" The second I opened the door the wasp flew up and I freaked 
out! I hardcore lacked me some faith... Dang it! Now for the story 
Dena told me. It tis a story about the early Saints. When they got to 
the Salt Lake Valley there was a drought. They went to Pres Young and 
asked him what they should do. He told them to pray and fast for a 
week and the Lord will bless them with the rain they needed. The 
Congregation did so and Sunday came. They asked Pres. Young; "Pres 
Young where is the rain." He responded "where are your umbrellas " 
Congregation: "there is no rain..." Pres Young: "Where is your faith?" 
Faith has kind of been the theme of this week. We read Ether 12 with 
quite a few people and focused on the miracles that come only AFTER we 
show our faith. That chapter talks about so many different situations 
where a miracle happened only because someone knew it would! They knew 
God would take care of them. I know God is a God of miracles and if we 
trust, or have faith, in Him then we will see the miracles in our 
I love you all so much! Have an amazing week and don't forget to look 
for the miracles in your lives. I promise they're there! 
Love always, 
Sister Chelsea Renee Upshaw! :) 
P.s. I can't believe Kelsey goes to the MTC this week! My BFFE is 
going to be a fellow Hermana! Dang! Our friendship just got even 
cooler Kels! See ya in 18 months chicka! I love you more than: white 
loves rice, peanut butter loves jelly, Sis. Calder loves sweets, I 
even love you more than we both love "She's the Man"! Whoo that is 
some pretty deep love! 
As you can see, Chelsea still is a fun loving Young Woman.  I sure do 
love this Missionary. 
This is the shirt she sent to Kelsey

Chelsea is Superman, Kelsey is Batman

They are chilling in their car in between appointments (they didn't have enough time to go back to their apartment)

Celebrating St. Patty's Day, Chelsea style

Taught a member how to make smooties

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I have decided to speak "proper" English for now and forever because I swear my head will explode if I hear on more person say fix'n... Actually that is totally a lie. I love the way people speak here. I remember this past summer a group was in town from England at Caesars Palace and I asked them what it sounded like when Americans spoke (like if we had an accent) He responded, "Its sounds like you're butchering our language!" I now understand what they meant...  haha It really isn't that bad!
It has been another glorious week in paradise! Last P-day I took a nap in a hammock. The weather was Perfect! I am pretty sure I am serving in the greatest mission in the world! :) 

SO... I ran out of time, but it was for a good reason! So here is sister Calder's email! haha It talks about some pretty cool miracles we had this week! Sorry! I love you all so much! I want you to know how much I feel your love and prayers. I am doing great and loving this gorgeous state! 

Love always, 

Sister Upshaw! 

Have you ever had one of those moments where you're just like- "Man!
God totally loves me :)"
Those are pretty much my favorite moments EVER!
I feel like I get them a lot on my mission- where everything is just
going great, and you know that he loves you so much and is so aware of
you :) I had one of those on Saturday. We pretty much were just having
such an amazing day. We don't have too many investigators right now,
so we were doing some bike contacting while trying to contact some
less actives in the process. We weren't having too much success but
decided to stop and get some water at Walgreens (you know there's a
MILLION of those things here. Sometimes they have Walgreens and CVS on
one corner and then a geriatric clinic on the other... Those
oldies;)). As we were in line I pulled out my wallet to get some cash
and the lady behind me a couple seconds later asked me if I was a
Mormon missionary from Utah. Of course I was shocked because that like
never happens, and me and Sister Upshaw both are like "YA! How'd you
know that...?" Then she told me that she saw my Utah license in my
wallet (which I do not think is at all creepy just to let you know...
You should see some of the things we do. Fb doesn't help the
creepiness at all either...). Then we talked to her for a sec with the
cashier standing right there. After we were done the woman asked us if
we had a cars. We handed her a card and the cashier put out
her hand for one as well! Then she looked at it and asked if she could
have our number cuz we didn't give her one with our phone number on
it, the cashier gave hers back too for our number! So cool. The lady
was telling the cashier about how the Mormons are all so nice and
they're so family oriented. Nice. She taught a lesson for us :) that's
always a plus
Then we were unlocking our bikes and she comes out and gives us her
number and explained how she'd been taught by missionaries in.....
NAPLES! Cool eh? I felt even cooler when she told me where she lived
and I knew exactly where it was! You know how that makes you feel
cool... She didn't seem to like Naples as much as I did though....
Haha It's funny how fast we learn the areas that we're in! Anyways...
That was awesome. That same day we got a ton of texts from people that
we had texted them asking if they'd be at church tomorrow and about 5
of them were like "yeah we'll be there!" So that was SUPER happy! We
even got a call that same day from one of our gators nephews who'd
referred her to us and he said he was down and wanted to bring her to
church! Then we get a call from a LA saying that him and his wife will
be at church tomorrow (they haven't been in over 15 years and we found
them doing "To the Rescue" and the whole story is a miracle how we
helped them return to activity but we just love them!)!
Then as we were biking down to the church for our awesome ward party I
just had this moment where I was SO happy and couldn't stop smiling.
The weather was BEAUTIFUL and everything just seemed to be going right
in that moment :) I was SO happy... Well I guess you could say that
pure joy :)
Sooooo since were constantly showing people videos I always have these
videos pop in my head and I just want to do an air hashtag or
something with it... #mormonmessagemomentsthatmattermost
Look it up :) it'll change your life...then... SHARE ON. Easy
missionary work right there!
But you want to know what all these miracles are from?
It's so simple, but brings mountains of blessings! I didn't have as
strong of a testimony of that till this week. Sister Upshaw and I
decided to recommit ourselves to being exactly obedient to the very
end and working our hardest. We prayed together, and promised our
Heavenly Father that we would do better and talk to everyone, and try
our best to be obedient. We saw blessings IMMEDIATELY. Ria committed
to be baptized! I KNOW that being obedient and keeping your end of a
promise, that Heavenly Father will not only make up for our
imperfections, but pour out his blessing upon us. He's just waiting
for us to ask! Even when it doesn't make sense, still be obedient!
That's faith and trust :) serve The Lord with EVERYTHING you've got!
And don't hold anything back! You will see miracles :)
If I could give one piece of advice it would be-
BE OBEDIENT! Even to the rules you might think are stupid, you'll
probably realize later on that your mission president was right all
along... :)
Be obedient...and if I had to throw another... take LOTS of pictures :)
So numbers wise, this was one of our worst weeks, but I can't tell you
how fulfilled we feel :)
Also- we've been doing some crazy online stuff in our mission, we have
6 sets of missionaries just doing online procelyting! It's crazy all
the cool things that we're apart of right now! This should all bring
your comfort.... I probably won't come back as weird as you thought ;)
although I probs won't be able to sit on a couch....
Also- I'm a firm believer in oxi clean...
And Sister Upshaw and I have follow the prophet memorized. We're
pretty proud :)
 Love you all!

Love, Sister Calder :D


Monday, March 3, 2014

I loaf you!

I'm not sure what the heading is suppose to mean.

Greetings from Sarasota! Where the weather is bipolar. We have met quite a few interesting people this week and the weather has been crazy! One day it was like 95 and the next it was back in the 50's! Anywhoo, this week was pretty stellar! I haven't been feeling well for a few weeks so I have been slowing us down quite a bit (which is lame). However, we took Thursday to do a really thorough weekly planning and it was EXACTLY what we needed! The rest of the week was crazy awesome! On the real though... Because the weather is so nice here Allergy season NEVER ends! It is like perpetual spring! I live for my Zertec and nose spray right now! 

On a less nerdy note... I had a really cool experience a while back that I realized I never shared. Okay so we visit this really awesome lady in a nursing home and sing to her once a week. She loves it and is just so cute! One day we were walking out and noticed a woman across the hall. My companion wanted to go over and sing to her, but she had family around her and I thought that was super weird! We did it though. We walked over and asked her parents if we could sing I am a child of God. They said we could, but informed us that she can't really process anything that is said or done. We sang the words of the primary song and this woman, who I had never seen move or make a noise, smiled so brightly and clapped her hands. It was so touching to see how close she was to the spirit. Something so simple as the words of a song that testify she is a daughter of God touched her heart. I love this gospel. I love that I get to spend all day every day bringing people true joy. 

Someone asked me recently how I gained a testimony of these things. I racked my brain for an answer. I had no idea. I couldn't think of any one moment. Then that experience came to mind. I realized how important the little every day miracles are.That is what builds our faith. That is what brings us closer to our savior and closer to true joy. Living His teachings. I love you all so much and am grateful for the letters, emails, and prayers. It is easy to be here when I feel like I have an army behind behind me! Have an amazing week and look for the miracles!

Love always,
(your nerdy and asthmatic friend) 
Sister Upshaw :) 

Evidently, her companion put liquid dish soap in the dishwasher.

She isn't sure what is with the speed signs in Florida.  She said she has also seen 23, 7 and 9.  I think it is funny that she was able to find a "14".  That has been her soccer number since she was little.