Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hot dog I am tired! Once upon a time I accidentally took the wrong 
allergy medication and I feel drugged! Did you know that there is 
something growing 365 days a year in Florida!? Literally it NEVER 
stops! I keep telling people that I don't know how to deal with it 
because spring only last like six weeks in Vegas. I use to die for six 
weeks, miss a bunch of school and then come back to life around the 
end of April. What if I knew what it was like to breathe? That would 
be glorious! 
In other news, this has been a glorious week! I got TWO packages from 
my lovely mumsie! Do you miss me or something? It's funny because I 
got mail the night before so we were positive the mail box would be 
empty, but it was a st. Patty's day miracle when I had a package! Who 
gets mail twice in one week!? Inconceivable! (In the voice of the 
short stubby man from princes bride). Have I ever told y'all that I 
have the greatest family in the whole wide world? Every day I'm 
reminded how lucky I am. I just love you guys! Even the munchkin 
nieces and nephews that abuse their poor helpless Aunt Chelsea! (Okay, 
especially you munchkins ;P ) 

So this week I was taught a lesson on faith! It's kinda funny because 
Dena told me a story about faith last week. Which I'll tell you after 
my story of faith, because hers is cooler and you're suppose to save the 
best for last right? Anyway... So we pulled up to an appointment and 
we were getting ready to pray when this GIANT wasp started attacking 
our window. We freaked out for a bit, took a few horrifying pictures 
and then decided we were just gonna go for it. ( I know it was just a 
wasp, but we sprayed it with windshield wiper fluid and it was seeking 
REVENGE!) So we say a prayer before we go into the lesson and I 
casually threw in at the end that the wasp wouldn't harm us. Then I 
turned to sister Calder and was like, "Kay we prayed and I have 
faith!" The second I opened the door the wasp flew up and I freaked 
out! I hardcore lacked me some faith... Dang it! Now for the story 
Dena told me. It tis a story about the early Saints. When they got to 
the Salt Lake Valley there was a drought. They went to Pres Young and 
asked him what they should do. He told them to pray and fast for a 
week and the Lord will bless them with the rain they needed. The 
Congregation did so and Sunday came. They asked Pres. Young; "Pres 
Young where is the rain." He responded "where are your umbrellas " 
Congregation: "there is no rain..." Pres Young: "Where is your faith?" 
Faith has kind of been the theme of this week. We read Ether 12 with 
quite a few people and focused on the miracles that come only AFTER we 
show our faith. That chapter talks about so many different situations 
where a miracle happened only because someone knew it would! They knew 
God would take care of them. I know God is a God of miracles and if we 
trust, or have faith, in Him then we will see the miracles in our 
I love you all so much! Have an amazing week and don't forget to look 
for the miracles in your lives. I promise they're there! 
Love always, 
Sister Chelsea Renee Upshaw! :) 
P.s. I can't believe Kelsey goes to the MTC this week! My BFFE is 
going to be a fellow Hermana! Dang! Our friendship just got even 
cooler Kels! See ya in 18 months chicka! I love you more than: white 
loves rice, peanut butter loves jelly, Sis. Calder loves sweets, I 
even love you more than we both love "She's the Man"! Whoo that is 
some pretty deep love! 
As you can see, Chelsea still is a fun loving Young Woman.  I sure do 
love this Missionary. 
This is the shirt she sent to Kelsey

Chelsea is Superman, Kelsey is Batman

They are chilling in their car in between appointments (they didn't have enough time to go back to their apartment)

Celebrating St. Patty's Day, Chelsea style

Taught a member how to make smooties

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