Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

1 month until my birthday!!!

Some kid dubbed me an official Floridian this week because I ate sushi! No 
big deal, but it was pretty legit. Not the sushi, the kid dubbing me a 
Floridian! The sushi was GROSS!! Sorry Dad, I tried and I still HATE sea 
food! I have tried it so many times out here and every time it is just as 
gross as it has always been. In fact, I might be crazy, but I think it 
might actually be getting WORSE! Who eats this stuff? Is it even edible? 
People keep trying to convince me shrimp is the best and doesn't even taste 
fishy...Do these people not have taste buds??? When I eat shrimp I literally 
feel like I am drinking the water straight from an aquarium! I've started 
telling people I am allergic... 
In other news, We had dinner at our bishops house this week and his wife 
made CHICKEN BAKES!!! Shay, I was in heaven! They weren't quite as good as 
Shay's, but they were pretty dang close! I have never met anyone else who 
makes those things! It was a good contrast to the aforementioned nastiness! 
It was a nice little piece of home and they were surprised I knew what it 
was. :) 
Something cool happened this week! (something cool happens every week...) 

Before I left home I gave a talk on how families can be forever. When I was 
preparing for that talk I asked my sweet Daddy what he felt the role and 
purpose of a father is. I remember Dad telling me how He always felt it was 
his responsibility to help us understand our relationship with our Heavenly 
Father. He recognized that we would base God's love for us off of the love 
he showed us. I shared that in a lesson and the woman thought it was so 
profound. She goes', "Tell your dad that is one of the most profound things 
I have ever heard." It really helped her understand God's love. So thank 
you for being so awesome Daddy! 

Later in the week we were teaching another lady about God and how he is 
literally our Father in Heaven. Nothing we talked about was new to her, but 
we could tell she didn't really know it for herself. She has been through a 
lot in her life and made some poor decisions along the way. She hardly 
looked us in the eye the entire time. Finally my companion and I both 
stopped talking and just sat in silence for a second. We testified to her 
of the love God has for her. How He sent His son for HER.  I started to 
choke up as I looked her in the eyes and truly felt our Father in Heaven's 
love for her. 

I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have not only an amazing Earthy 
Father that loves me, but I also have a Heavenly Father who wants me and 
all of His children to know how much He loves us and He has sent me here to 
share that love with those who don't know it.  :) 
I love you all so much and guess what!? SO does our Heavenly Father! 
-Love always Sister Upshaw! 
Several of these pictures are from Sis.Calder's blog.  After reading Sis. 
Calder's blog, I know why Chelsea loves her so much.   

Eating guacamole

Chelsea "trying on" Sis. Calder's hair

She really does ride her bike

This was shortly after they were assigned as companions

Twinsie skirts

I'm sure she uses her umbrella quite ofen

She wasn't feeling well last week.  She said this is her "I don't feel well and I need my mommy" look.


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