Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, March 3, 2014

I loaf you!

I'm not sure what the heading is suppose to mean.

Greetings from Sarasota! Where the weather is bipolar. We have met quite a few interesting people this week and the weather has been crazy! One day it was like 95 and the next it was back in the 50's! Anywhoo, this week was pretty stellar! I haven't been feeling well for a few weeks so I have been slowing us down quite a bit (which is lame). However, we took Thursday to do a really thorough weekly planning and it was EXACTLY what we needed! The rest of the week was crazy awesome! On the real though... Because the weather is so nice here Allergy season NEVER ends! It is like perpetual spring! I live for my Zertec and nose spray right now! 

On a less nerdy note... I had a really cool experience a while back that I realized I never shared. Okay so we visit this really awesome lady in a nursing home and sing to her once a week. She loves it and is just so cute! One day we were walking out and noticed a woman across the hall. My companion wanted to go over and sing to her, but she had family around her and I thought that was super weird! We did it though. We walked over and asked her parents if we could sing I am a child of God. They said we could, but informed us that she can't really process anything that is said or done. We sang the words of the primary song and this woman, who I had never seen move or make a noise, smiled so brightly and clapped her hands. It was so touching to see how close she was to the spirit. Something so simple as the words of a song that testify she is a daughter of God touched her heart. I love this gospel. I love that I get to spend all day every day bringing people true joy. 

Someone asked me recently how I gained a testimony of these things. I racked my brain for an answer. I had no idea. I couldn't think of any one moment. Then that experience came to mind. I realized how important the little every day miracles are.That is what builds our faith. That is what brings us closer to our savior and closer to true joy. Living His teachings. I love you all so much and am grateful for the letters, emails, and prayers. It is easy to be here when I feel like I have an army behind behind me! Have an amazing week and look for the miracles!

Love always,
(your nerdy and asthmatic friend) 
Sister Upshaw :) 

Evidently, her companion put liquid dish soap in the dishwasher.

She isn't sure what is with the speed signs in Florida.  She said she has also seen 23, 7 and 9.  I think it is funny that she was able to find a "14".  That has been her soccer number since she was little.

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