Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Thursday, April 17, 2014

This is hard! 4-14-14

Hokay, so I've had a couple tell me my mission seems like a party all the time and that when I email I make it seem like its a walk in the park. I would just like to say that you can blame bishop Urry for that one! Haha way before I ever planned to go on a mission he told me about a missionary serving from our ward and how impressed he was with his emails because no matter what happened in the week he was still positive and spiritual. When I left I decided I would try to do the
same. In response to the emails about my mission being easy... Holy cow this is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done in my whole 20 years of living! (My b-days on the 24th BTW) I wrote out a big long email about why my mission has been hard, but to be honest I thought the email was dumb and pointless! Ya my mission has been hard, but it is so stink'n worth it that it doesn't even matter! Picture this... $500 is a lot of money right? If you had to spend $500 on toenail clippers you would probably be pretty miserable, but what if you spent $500 and it bought you a mansion, with a gorgeous British butler and a red mustang! I think anyone and everyone would take that steal in a heart beat. Well that's kind of how I feel about my mission! Instead of money, I am sacrificing time, and instead of a mansion, hot butler, and a nice car, I am seeing FAR greater blessings! I can't even believe how much I have grown in the last 8 months and the crazy awesome miracles happening back home! It's insane, but then again... That is how God works.
He asks something of us that seems REALLY hard or maybe it seems too easy? Either way he asks us to do something and that is the test. Will we give up our will to honor Him? When we decide to submit to His will we realize we didn't really sacrifice at all. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for us. He WANTS to see us succeed. HE is the only one who knows how we can reach our full potential and how we can be the most happy. I think if we all could understand that a little better, hard things wouldn't seem so hard. His will becomes our will and it is EASY to do what he wants us to do because we know it is what will make us the happiest! 

Every one has their own "mission" here. Every mission is hard. They all have their own challenges and every "missionary", or person,  has days when they think about how much that plane ticket back home would cost, but it's okay because by the end of the week, and sometimes just by the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. (It's like child birth! Painful, but totally worth it! At least that's what I hear...) lol None of these are perfect analogy's, but hey... What do you expect? I'm just a teenage girl... For 10 more days... ;P 

I love you all more than I could ever tell you! Have a fabulous week! 

-Sister Chelsea Upshaw! :) 
Pictures from the transfer 4-15-14
Chelsea's new companion Sis. Skeem

It was pouring rain


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