Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

People are CRAZY! Letter from 4-21-14

Chelsea has been suffering from Allergies pretty bad.  She could really use some 
prayers in helping her to cope with them and for the medication the Mission 
Doctor gave her will work.  Right now it is just making her feel sick and 
> This week was pretty great! There was an amazing video for Easter called 
> #Becauseofhim. (its on my FB page for anyone who hasn't seen it!) Anyway it 
> is awesome and everyone we showed it to just loved it! People were so open 
> to hearing a message about Christ and reflect on what they have because of 
> His sacrifice. Last week sister Calder and I were biking and that morning I 
> promised her and Heavenly Father that I would talk to everyone I saw! I did 
> just that. We both biked and handed out cards and shared messages, but 
> nothing had really come of it yet. I was biking ahead of sister Calder and 
> this lady intentionally moved away from us and gave us an annoyed look. I 
> biked passed offering a simple smile, but sister Calder stopped. I am SO 
> grateful she did! Her name is inita and she is amazing! Turns out she had 
> been praying to find direction and she decided to walk to the store instead 
> of driving and then she runs into missionaries! Crazy! We literally talked 
> to EVERYONE that day! I made the decision to pass ONE and look what we 
> would have missed. When we showed Inita the video the spirit was so strong. 
> She expressed that she didn't feel worthy of God's love or our savior's 
> sacrifice. Tears where in all our eyes as we testified of her Devine worth. 
> Definitely one of those moments when you realize how amazing being a 
> missionary is. 
> Another one of those moments was at Terri Tadle's baptism on Saturday! That 
> is one amazing family. She is the sweetest lady and kept saying how she had 
> been given a clean slate, a second chance, a new beginning. I LOVE LOVE 
> LOVE her!!! She bore her testimony after the baptism and I was just 
> stunned! Mama, you HAVE to add her on Facebook! She and her husband Ken, 
> who are like my parents out here (they asked if they could adopt me... is 
> that cool with you?) are going out to Vegas in July and they want to meet 
> up with you and Daddy! It's a great day to be a missionary! 
> Easter was great too! I spoke in Sacrament meeting and we went top an 
> easter Sunrise service at Siesta Keys with one of our investigators, which 
> was pretty cool and then we had dinner at the bishop's house with a million 
> and 10 other people! haha It was just like a crazy Purdy family party! The 
> only thing missing was a good ol' Upshaw wrestling match! ;) 
> I hope you all had a fabulous Easter! If you didn't get a chance, go watch 
> that video. It is really beautiful and only 2 minutes long. :) I love you 
> all so much! 
> -Sista Upshaw 

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