Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

> This week has been pretty swell! Somehow it seems all of our investigators
> had the plague this week though so we were struggling to fill our time.
> That's okay though, nothing a little chalk and a busy park can't fix. :)
> The pictures I sent will explain that... Haha being able to Skype the fam
> bam was great! I wish I could have seen everyone, but mom said everyone is
> doing great so I guess I can wait till Christmas/ till I get home to talk
> to y'all.
> Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's in my life! Mama Crouch, Toni, Sister
> Sly, and of course my own, absolutely amazing, Mama. I love each of you so
> much and I hope you had a great Mother's Day!
> SO this week I hit my 9 month mark! I have given up on this whole time
> thing... I don't even understand life and I can't explain it, but an hour
> can feel like an eternity yet a month seems like a second. It's so cliche
> to say that, but It is what it is ya know?
> I feel like I don't have anything to say because we talked last night...
> haha hmmmmmmm so I suppose I will tell you about a cool experience we had
> on Saturday. So as I said before, EVERYONE was sick or out of town this
> week, (including me and my comp) so Saturday came around and we literally
> had NO ONE to see. So we decided to spend the whole day street contacting
> and what not. Half way through the day we decided to go buy some chalk and
> do this....
> We wrote this out in a couple different places and then invited people to
> write/draw things that they had because of their moms. Then we left chalk
> there and came back to check it out at the end of the day. The website on
> there takes you to a really inspiring video about moms and our father in
> heaven.
> While we were doing this down by the boardwalk a man stopped and we started
> talking to him. He thought it was so cool. He wrote a few things down and
> then asked if he could take some pictures to post on his blog. He was out
> at the boardwalk that day just taking some pictures (he is a photographer)
> after talking to him a little bit he shared that his mom passed away when
> he was young. We had a really amazing conversation with him and were able
> to answer some questions he had about his mom and where she is.
> I loved it! I am so grateful that I have the faith, hope, and knowledge I
> do about God's plan for us. I love sharing it! It brings people so much
> peace!
> I know our father in heaven has a plan for each and everyone of us. He
> wants so badly for us to be happy and to be successful. I have no doubt
> that it is hard for him to watch us struggle, but he knows that he has to
> let us do it on our own. He knows it will make us stronger and better
> people, but he is still there to help bare those trials. I've seen it so
> many times out here and in my own life.
> I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week!
> -love always, Sister Upshaw

Birthday lunch with ladies from the area

For those who new Chelsea as a child, they will understand her obsession for trees.  
When her dad would try to trim the tree in the back yard, she would climb up in it 
and yell for her daddy to quit hurting her tree.

Random pictures

Skyping with her on Mother's Day

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