Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Poor decisions 5-26-14

HOLY COW! I almost died this week! Okay so here it goes... Thursday we
were on an exchange and I stayed in the area. I was stoked because it
meant we were going to get to bike! I love biking! Sister Skeem hates
it so we don't do it as often, but I forgive her because well she is
perfect in every other way... She just hates to bike. Anyway I was
stoked to bike with this other sister, sister Saxton. So we were
biking down this dirt road, not biking too fast, just telling stories
and talking all about my sweet niece Shell (sister Saxton was one of
the missionaries that taught Shell). When all of a sudden sister
Saxton yells, "PEDAL FASTER!" She took off and I followed close
behind, but I had no idea what she saw. Then I see this huge black
Rottweiler barreling toward us! The thing could have eaten either one
of us without any problem! It chased us about four houses down before
it went back to its yard. I couldn't help, but burst out in laughter
as the scene played through my head. Two missionaries frantically
biking to escape a dog... It was too perfect! If a mission was like
scouting, then that totally would have been another badge on my sash!
The poor decision there was that 3 hours later we were coming back and
I almost went back down the same stree! What if I ever used my brain?

The day before that I was trying to make a U-turn and I saw a break in the median so I went for it! Turns out it wasn't my turn lane… Awkward. My comp got a picture of it haha Guess some things never change? 

Another funny story, but a whole lot cooler of a story happened earlier in the week. We were heading out to our car when all of a sudden a car pulls up right behind our car, blocking us in. A lady jumps out of the front seat and runs strait for my companion! I was all kinds of nervous! She stops toe to toe with my comp and goes, "where is the church you go to!?" It was almost like she just wanted to spit it out before she could stop herself. Turns out she is a member of the church, but hasn't been in a long time. She said she lives in our complex and has seen us a few times, but was too nervous to ask us in the past. Then at that moment she just did it without thinking! I love it!

Okay, I am like all over the place right now and we just had a really awesome ward activity at the park and I am like super tired and only have 2 hours left of p-day. So I am sorry this email is so lame. I hope you all have a great Memorial Day! Stay safe! 

Oh and read 1kings 8:56! God has never not fulfilled a promise and he isn't going to start now! I love you all so much! 

-sista Upshaw 

                                                              Ward field day

She wanted to be like Dylan, so she got herself some kind of eye virus

Three legged race

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