Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Another year older and wiser too! ;) 4-28-14

 I'm sorry that I didn't post this last week.  I hope you enjoy the 
pictures and videos.
Thank you all for all the Birthday letters/emails/packages etc. I had 
a great birthday! My amazing companion made me a cake and took me to 
dinner at Applebee's! It's funny because last week I was telling her 
about our families birthday traditions and how every year we wake up 
to a box of doughnuts and at some point in the day my sweet daddy buys 
us flowers. I was kind of bummed because I wouldn't get that this 
year. Wednesday night I get a package from my dear mama with doughnuts 
in it! It took my a good five minutes to figure out why you sent 
doughnuts haha then it took me another ten minutes to stop smiling. 
You are one clever lady mama dear! Then I come home at the end of the 
day to beautiful flowers on my doorstep. Why do I have the greatest 
parents in the whole wide world? Seriously you guys are the best! 

This week I have been thinking a lot about all the blessings God has 
given me. I pretty much can fit every single blessing into two 
categories, family and the gospel. Families are the best! Especially 
my family. ;P I sure do love you guys! As I was reading all the 
different emails that my siblings and their kids sent me on Thursday I 
couldn't help but tear up. I wasn't crying because I was sad or 
because I missed you all (I do miss you by the way), but I was crying 
because I was overwhelmed with how absolutely lucky I felt to be apart 
of such a loving family. Believe me, I know we have our fair share of 
redneck family drama, but I sure do love you all more than I think I 
ever realized before. I don't really know how to put it into words, 
but I hope you feel it. When I look at our family I can't doubt the 
love that God has for us. I couldn't imagine my life without even one 
of my amazing siblings, I love you Bill, Jase, Sonnie (you've been a 
sibling since before I even have memories of life so I definitely feel 
like I can include you here!) Nannon, Kim, Christina, Shay, and Nae! 
Then you have two of the most amazing parents who love all 8 of us, 
plus in-laws, adopted kids, and anyone else that we bring into the 
house. (Including the "stray" animals we dognaped) Gosh! I can't wait 
to see you all again soon! :D 
Well that was sappy and estrogen filled... Anywhoo.. 
As if my incredible family wasn't enough, I have also been blessed to 
be apart of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I've never really had to 
wonder what my purpose here is or what will happen after this life. I 
mean I had to search enough to gain my own testimony, but in the end, 
I have always had that direction and peace in my life that so many 
people are desperately seeking. I am amazed, and slightly confused, as 
to why I was so fortunate to have both an amazing family, and to know 
so firmly the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ when others 
have neither one. Which is why I want so badly to share both those 
blessings with everyone I love, including strangers in Florida. :) 

I love you all more than Floridians love gross sea food! (Seriously, 
does no one have taste buds? Sea food is horrid!) 
Let's pray I don't get fed fish this week! 
Love always, 
The Floridian Sista U <3 
Side note.... I saw a really hideous duck this week! The natives call 
it a Dino duck? I tried to pet it, but it got angry and I'm pretty 
sure it tried to kill me! Needless to say, I left it alone and have no 
plans of ever trying to touch it again... However we do have plans 
next week to go to a gator pit and take pictures with lots of 
alligators! Whoo! I live in a jungle right now! 
Oh and shout out to my birthday buddie Alexx and my lovely sister Shay 
who will be like a hardcore adult tomorrow! Happy birthday sis! I love 
These are pictures from a Color Run that Chelsea and Sis. Skeem participated in

Pictures on her lunch break on her birthday, she promises that she didn't 
touch the water

Chelsea and Sis. Calder were able to celebrate their birthdays before 
Sis. Calder was transferred

Pictures from a baptism they had he day before Easter

Easter on the beach (rough life)

Easter dinner at her Bishop's house

Random pictures because she had to get them off of the IPad

Pictures from Chelsea's birthday, her companion took her to Applebee's

 Flowers from her Daddy (he had to keep the tradition)

And then of course, we have a couple of crazy videos 

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