Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, August 11, 2014

Am I crazy? 7-28-14

Am I crazy? 
Who am I kidding? I know I'm crazy and the last 12 months as a 
missionary has just solidified that knowledge. I mean seriously, in 
what world can someone work 16 hours a day, bike in the middle of the 
hot/humid Florida summer (wearing a SKIRT), talk to 100 people in 
hopes that maybe one will care enough to listen and still manage to be 
happy about it all? Everything that could have gone wrong this week 
did, yet I still feel like we had a great week and am happy as can be! 
Don't get me wrong I'm not claiming I didn't have a few solid break 
downs, but at the end of the day I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! 
Man missionary life is the life for me! (sung to the tune of the Rap 
"gangster life") 
How is everything in the motherland? Oh man this week I have gotten SO 
MUCH grief about being from Vegas! President Cusick made a comment 
about how we shouldn't be handing out cards like we are 
"Vegas card pushers" so my whole district is like, "well Sister Upshaw 
is one." -_- not funny. On top of that everyone thinks that because I 
worked at Ceasars Palace that I was a scandalous individual... Keep in 
mind I don't volunteer any of this information, but my comp finds it 
fascinating so she proudly tells everyone! Lol it is actually pretty 
funny to watch them mentally picture a Mormon in Vegas. Then I remind 
them that we have a temple there so clearly we aren't that scarce. 
So we had a meeting with our Bishop on Tuesday and in his office he 
has a picture of Christ (I attached it to this email) with a quote 
that says, "In the end, if you haven't chosen Jesus Christ, it doesn't 
matter what you chose." I love that! It made me think how Heavenly 
Father and Jesus Christ love us so much and there is no way they would 
ask us to do something that, in the end, wouldn't make us the happiest 
and best we have ever been. If we chose Christ we really are choosing 
ourselves! It is kind of a no brainer! I love you all so much! I hope 
you have an amazing week! 
Love always and forever, 
Sister Upshaw 
"In the end, if you haven't chosen Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter 
what you chose." 

She loves the rain (good thing because it rains a lot)!!!
They had a Pioneer Day activity, but forgot to take pictures before the event These are from when they were cleaning up.
Some random statue
The sidewalks just end randomly for some reason
These hedges make her feel like she is in the Tri-Wizard Tournament and the hedges are closing in on her
Dinner, yum. I guess that is one way to stretch your monthly budget, road kill!! jk

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