Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Spoiled in the USA 8-4-14

Wednesday we had a big meeting with all the missionaries in the 
surrounding zones. President came and right as we are about to start 
he gets up and is like, "since the air conditioning in this building 
isn't working we are going to move our meeting to the Cortez 
building." (20 miles away) I thought Kelsey and Dylan might get a 
laugh at that. We drove 20 miles just so we could have AC! Dylan, did 
you ever step in an air conditioned building the whole two years you 
were in Ghana? Then Friday night another set of sisters called and 
asked if they could come stay with us because their water was 
contaminated. Basically they had to boil it before they could do 
anything with it. That has to be a daily occurrence for Kelcken. Man, 
we American missionaries are pampered! Haha 
Anyway once we finally got to zone conference Sister Cusick told this 
story about a man on a fence. A man is sitting on top of the fence and 
on one side of the fence is all these worldly things and what not that 
seem like a lot of fun, but don't bring any real happiness. On the 
other side is a good wholesome, happy life. This man sat on the fence 
and two men appeared. One was the Savior and the other, Satan. Christ 
told the man that he was there to present him with this gift of a 
truly happy life, but he could only make the invitation. The man would 
have to accept or reject it, then he left. Satan then tries to compel 
the man to join his side. After a short time Satan asks, "well what 
side are you going to join??" The man hesitated and said he would have 
to think about it some more and in the meantime he was just going to 
sit on top of the fence. Satan says, "oh good! Because I own the 
Satan won't always try to tempt us with some big thing. If he can just 
keep us in one spot, not doing good or bad, then he is happy. So don't 
be a fence sitter! If you feel prompted to do something, then do it! 
Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us, but it requires action on 
our part. :) 
In other news, tropical storm Bertha is forming out in the gulf right 
now. That's fun right? Secretly I kind of want it to come close enough 
that we get evacuated, because....well because it would make for a fun 
story. However, I have no desire for it to actually touch the coast 
because that would be sad. -_- (I guess for any of that to happen it 
would have to turn into something worse than a tropical storm, but you 
get the point) 
I loaf you, wait no, I DOUBLE LOAF YOU! 
*now picture being hit by a loaf of bread  (Curtesy of Papa Crouch) 
P.s. Remember, Satan owns the fence y'all! 
Creepy statue at the Ringling Museum

Angela went with them the th Museum

Ann and Chelsea

Zone Conference

Items Sis. Skeem broke this last month.  They thought it was funny.

                      They visit a nursing home in their area

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