Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Friday, August 22, 2014

Hi, my name is sister Upshaw and my favorite color is Neon clear.... 8-18-14

> 3 Lessons I learned real good this week: 
> -Florida roads are just as hot on the bare feet as Vegas roads 
> -Everything is better with an accent 
> -We have a loving Heavenly Father that is more aware of our needs then 
> we can ever fully understand. 
> Tuesday as we were getting ready to leave a lesson with the Hill 
> family I started talking to the 10 yr old, Who always seems totally 
> unimpressed with us. I asked him what it takes to impress him. He told 
> me that I would have to be some famous wrestler, whose name I can't 
> remember... I was like, " what if I beat you in a race?" He accepted 
> my challenge. I was wearing a pencil skirt and sandals so I kicked of 
> my shoes and raced him to the end of the street and back. You know how 
> sometimes I make really brilliant decisions? Well this was not one of 
> them. -_- 1st off, I have never been very fast... Why did I challenge 
> him to a race?? Also, by the time I got back my feet were on fire. I 
> had burned the bottom of both feet!  Does anyone remember how we use 
> to stand on the hot asphalt as kids to see who could stay there the 
> longest without hopping from foot to foot and fussing about the heat? 
> I use to be able to stand out there longer than everyone else! My feet 
> were so callused that I could do just about anything barefoot. Now 
> they have gone soft and a quick sprint left them burnt and 
> blistered... Walking was horrid this week! Hence my subject line..."hi 
> my name is Sister Upshaw and my favorite color is neon clear." Bobby 
> use to say that every time we did something dumb. At least Brandon 
> thinks we are cool now. Haha 
> Which brings me to my next point. Try to speak with an accent and be 
> sad at the same time. INCONCEIVABLE! It can not be done! In fact I am 
> typing this with a British accent right now! I'm probably driving 
> sister Skeem up a wall, but she hasn't tried to kill me yet so I think 
> we're good! The only downfall to always speaking in an accent is that 
> when you go to speak to random strangers you forget that you aren't 
> actually British and then it just gets awkward... 
> Moving on to well learned lesson number three of the week. So 
> yesterday at church one of the speakers told a story that I just 
> loved! A man was walking down the street when he saw a little boy 
> swinging a rusty old bird cage with 3 cold and scared little birds. 
> The man stopped the boy and asked him what he had planed to do with 
> the birds. 
> The boy said," I am going to pluck their feathers out and make them fight!" 
> "What will you do when you are tired of the birds?" The man asked. 
> "I have cats. They like birds!" 
> "How much do you want for those birds?" 
> "Oh no mister, you don't want these birds! They aren't pretty, they 
> don't sing, they are worthless!" 
> "How much he repeated?" 
> The boy looked confused, but decided $10 would be a fair trade. The 
> man paid the price, took the birds to a near by tree and set them 
> free. 
> Another similar story took place with a man named Satan. 
> "I got them! I set a trap for those humans and I got a whole world of them!" 
> "What are you going to do with them?" Jesus Christ asked 
> "I'm going to teach them to hate each other. To lie and steal, to kill 
> each other and to do wrong in every way. It's going to be a good ol 
> time." 
> "What will you do when you are tired of them?" 
> "Oh, I'll just kill them." 
> "How much do you want for them?" Christ asked 
> "Oh you don't want these humans. They will reject you and spit on you 
> and kill you. YOU of all people, do not want these humans." 
> "How much?" Christ repeated 
> "All your blood and tears" 
> Christ paid the price and opened the door to set us free. The speaker 
> to talk about how perfect Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love for 
> us is. Then he asked how is our love for them? Is Jesus Christ our 
> closest friend? I thought it was really amazing and then that night we 
> went to a lesson and one of the members played this song for us that 
> he wrote when his father passed away. I loved it so I wanted to share 
> a part of it with you. :) It was yet another reminder to me of 
> heavenly fathers love. That's why I say I received that lesson loud 
> and clear this week! I love you all so stink'n much! 
> -love sister Upshaw 
> P.s. I am getting transferred... I'm really bummed because there are 
> so many people I am going to miss! This has been an amazing area! I am 
> finishing training a missionary whose original trainer is headed home. 
> Which means I have two options of where I could go. Either back to 
> Gibsonia (my 1st area) or Hudson (which is really close to Jason and 
> his familia). So if I have to leave at least I have two pretty great 
> options! :) 
> P.s.s CONGRATS to one of the most amazing friends ever, Randy! You and 
> Katrina looked so happy. You are one lucky guy because she looked 
> gorgeous Randall! Love you both! 
> P.s.s.s I wish I had a way to send the rest of the song, but the file 
> is to big for email :/ 
> P.s.s.s.s Sorry this is so long! 
                 Part of the song that a member in Sarasota wrote 
                It appears that they might have a leak in their floor
                          Pictures from Myakka State Park

         Doing what Chelsea does best, beating up the boys (just ask her nephew Kaleb and dad)

                                       Well, they didn't get their wish, she was transferred

                 Chelsea's new companion, Sis. Yellow.  I'm going to take a guess and
                 say she was transferred to Hudson.  She bought something at Sonic in
                  New Port Ritchie, so it looks like she went North.

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