Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, October 13, 2014

I am really lame at taking pictures... 10-13-14

 Is it seriously already Monday again? This week has been insane for 
 Sister Yellow and I. I feel like we were barely in our area. Thursday 
 we had a meeting in Tampa, where we had some awesome trainings and we 
 were able to watch the movie, "Meet the Mormons". IT was awesome! If 
 you haven't seen it, you should go watch it! Out here it is hard to 
 find a theater that will play it, but I'm going to guess that most 
 theaters back home will have it. It is a movie about six very 
 different LDS families. You will love it! The last one is a missionary 
 mom so be prepared to ball your eyes out because all of the 
 missionaries here did... (Tell no one!) oh the other super awesome 
 thing about Thursday was.... I FINALLY GOT TO SEE SISTER KUNZ AGAIN! I 
 kind of sorta helped train her for a transfer while she, Sister 
 Peterson, and I were in a trio together. I hadn't seen her since I 
 left Lakeland 9 months ago. It was awesome to see her, but sadly I did 
 not get a picture. -_- 
 Then Friday we had MLC down in Gulfport all day. Basically MLC is 
 super exhausting because we spent the first five hours inside a room 
 talking about different administrative things and received a lot of 
 training on how we can better help the missionaries we have 
 responsibility for. It was really awesome though and I learned a lot! 
 Then we went down to one of the beaches and had dinner and received a 
 little more training and then president told us to go have fun. They 
 brought this giant excessive ball so we all got together and played 
 kickball on the beach. It was so much fun! Also I face planted in the 
 sand because... Well I don't really remember how it happened, but all 
 I could think of was that time we were out at the lake and I was 
 racing Shay and Nae down a steep sandy hill and I totally face 
 planted then too....   Awka awkward. I redeemed myself though because 
 kickball is kind of my favorite game and I am not too shabby at it. We 
 ended that night singing hymns on the beach while watching the sunset. 
 It honestly was incredible and I am so grateful for the opportunity to 
 unwind a bit and to receive such wonderful training. Again, I didn't 
 get any pictures... SORRY MOM! 
 Something really sad happened last night though! One of our 
 appointments fell through so we decided we would go by a nearby 
 members house and share with them some of our goals for the transfer 
 and see how we can help them to do missionary work. While I was 
 bearing testimony of missionary work to them I heard myself say, "I 
 came here because I know this gospel changes lives and I want to bring 
 people even more peace and happiness in their lives through the gospel 
 of Jesus Christ. I only have three months left to do it and I want to 
 work." I was fighting tears. Until that second I really had only 
 considered what it would be like to step off the plane in Vegas not 
 really what it will be like to step on that plane in Tampa. I just 
 thought of everything I will be leaving and just how much I have loved 
 my time here. I really am grateful for the opportunity to serve the 
 incredible people here. I am also grateful I still have three months 
 to serve them with all my heart. 
 I love you all! Have an incredible week! 
 -Sister Chelsea Upshaw <3 
                     Mowing a lawn (a new life skill for her) 

                                                            Zone meeting 10-9-14
Sis. Kunz is in the back with Chelsea


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