Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fasting is for real! 10-6-14

 Have I told ya'll about the mole I had to have removed a few weeks
 ago? Well they thought it looked suspicious so they biopsied it.
 Everything is fine. The results came back a little abnormal, but they
 removed a little more skin and said that now it is fine. The reason I
 share this is because I am now left with this huge circle cut on my
 back that refuses to heal... They told me not to let it scab, but I
 kind of forgot about that until it was too late, but then the scab
 started itching so I picked the scab. It then started to bleed....
 Sister Yellow is super squeamish about it, but it's on my back and I
 can't reach it so I made her put a band aide on it and somehow the
 bandaid came off and then we are biking and she goes, "uhhh I think
 you are bleeding." My blood mixed with my sweat and by the time I got
 home my shirt looked like someone had shot me rather than having a
 mole removed. It was rather disgusting, but kind of funny as I thought
 of how many people we passed while biking and I couldn't help, but
 wonder what they thought of this growing red spot on my nice white
 shirt... That was a completely random thought and probably not
 something any of you really cared to hear about, but it was rather
 hilarious to Sister Yellow and I so, oh well...

 Quote of the week from my wonderful companion, "don't be such a
 Dorkous Malorkous!"

 Oh man, General conference was AWESOME! I almost cried when it was
 over because I realized the next time conference rolls around in
 April, I will be home.... It was a sad moment because conference as a
 missionary is 10000000X better than conference as a normal person, but
 mama promised we will go to the conference center in April so I guess
 I can go on with life.

 In addition to conference we had an incredible weekend! It went a
 little like this.... Sunday morning we woke up and it was freezing!
 Hallelujah it finally feels like fall here! That was a miracle in and
 of itself. Because of the weather change our tire pressure in the car
 was super low! Like our PSI was at 20. That doesn't really mean much
 to me, but the tire says it is supposed to be at 51 PSI so we assumed
 it wasn't very safe to be driving. By the time we took care of that we
 had about 30 minutes before we needed to be at the church to watch
 conference so we decided to walk in this neighborhood and talk to
 people who were outside. We met this really sweet lady who absolutely
 soaked up the message of the restored gospel. When we testified of
 modern day prophets she was beaming from ear to ear. She had so many
 amazing questions! We realized we were short on time so we set up a
 time to come back. When we left her house we had 10 minutes before
 conference would start and our car was about a mile away! We took off
 sprinting down the road (in our pencil skirts and dress shoes). We
 made it to the church just in time for the opening prayer (if you are
 running on Upshaw time, then we were early. Right Mom?)

 Once conference was over we realized we had misplaced the phone. We
 looked everywhere and then borrowed the elders' phone so we could call
 it. A random man picked up and was super awkward... I was like, "hey!
 We misplaced our phone and... It is like you found it."
 Then he casually replies, "yup."
 "Uhh can we come get it from you?"
 "Umm may I ask where you live?"
 I had to drag the address out of him, but we were able to meet up and
 get the phone back. He did something weird to our phone though and now
 we have none of our contact information -_- but at least we got it
 back and we do have that contact info elsewhere. Turns out the phone
 must have fallen out of one of our bags while we were running to our
 car before conference. Now here is the really cool part. On our way to
 pick up the phone we saw a man we had taught while walking on the
 street about two weeks ago. So we flip around get out and start trying
 to flag him down. His name is Eddie and he had gone on a walk and
 decided to try to find the church we told him about. He had read and
 re-read the pamphlet we left with him and he said it had answered so
 many questions that he was interested in learning more. He was still
 about half a mile away from the church so we told him that we would go
 pick up our phone and then meet him back at the church. We were able
 to give him a church tour and it was incredible! He kept saying how no
 one else had ever answered some of the questions he had before and he
 was amazed that two girls in their 20s could. Ahhhhh Heavenly Father's
 timing is so perfect! If we wouldn't have been running late then we
 wouldn't have lost the phone and we wouldn't have seen Eddie and we
 wouldn't be floating on cloud 9 right now!

 Oh man... I already wrote a lot, but there are so many more miracles
 to share! Ahhhhh sister Yellow and I are still bursting! It has been
 such a great week! The reason for the tittle is that last Sunday
 sister Yellow and I fasted that we would know how to help the work
 pick up here. Holy cow our prayer was answered no doubt!  I hope
 everyone else had a great week too! Happy birthday to two of my lovely
 sisters. I love you Kim and Christina!

 Until next week,
 stay classy (I literally just typed that without thinking. Sorry dylan!)

 -Sister Upshaw

                                                           Cat in her area

                                                          Missionaries in her zone


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