Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, October 20, 2014

What goes "ha-ha-ha-ha-plop"? 10-20-14

 A monster laughing his head off!!! Bwahahahahaha get it? 
 Oh man, thanks for the Halloween card papa! I love all the riddles! 
 This week was very busy! Sister Yellow and I went on two exchanges and 
 we are exhausted! The first exchange we went on was Tuesday and I was 
 with Sister Reed, she is one of the sisters in Shell's Ward. We walked 
 A LOT on that exchange and my little feetsies felt like they were 
 going to fall off, but Sister Reed is stellar and we had a lot of fun 
 so it was worth it. We also saw a dolphin, up close! We were eating 
 our lunch on a bench near this little channel that comes in from the 
 ocean and the dolphin just came out of nowhere! We also saw a rainbow 
 that day. It was rather magical. :) 
 Sometime on Tuesday Sister Yellow got a call from the ZLs asking if we 
 would give a training in district meeting the next morning. So we met 
 about an hour before the meeting started and planned what to train on. 
 It actually turned out pretty good, but was way stressful trying to 
 plan for a training when we weren't even with each other. Immediately 
 after the district meeting we normally attend, which is 45 minutes 
 south of us, we had to travel about another hour south to attend the 
 second district meeting in our zone. After that meeting we did 
 exchanges with a set of sisters in St. Pete. Sister Packer came back 
 with me. Love love love that sister! She has only been here for about 
 3 weeks, but she is a rockstar. Basically we have the best zone in the 
 Once Sister Yellow and I exchanged back on Thursday we were so happy 
 because sometimes you just miss your companion and we had gone 48 hrs 
 without seeing each other. One thing that we both learned from 
 exchanges is that first, and foremost, we have to love the people we 
 teach. Some sisters are so worried about taking in every suggestion 
 given on how missionary work should be done that they get lost in all 
 the technicalities. If we just love with all we have and include 
 Heavenly Father in every decision, then everything will work out and 
 we will be so much happier! 
 I accomplished something this week that I think we can all be proud 
 of... I survived without a microwave! Friday around 9 am our power 
 went out. We didn't really think much of it because our water shuts 
 off every so often and it normally comes on after a few hours so we 
 figured it would be the same with our electricity. When we came back 
 around 1 for lunch we still had no power! Turns out something happened 
 with our bill and they shut it off! Everything got sorted out, but our 
 electricity didn't come back on until just after we came home for the 
 night! So we couldn't use the microwave to make any of our frozen 
 food! It was a real tragedy... Then this morning we woke up and again 
 we had NO POWER! We fumbled around in the dark trying to get ready to 
 go exercise and as we walked outside, we realized everyone's power was 
 out for as far as we could see. Every scary movie I have ever watched 
 told me not to step in to the pitch black obis so we worked out inside 
 the apt. Then we heard the helicopters and I had flashbacks to the 
 movie Red Dawn!  Luckily North Korea didn't take over and the power 
 came back on around 7:30. We aren't sure what caused the black out, 
 but someone told us it was a car accident. 
 The other really cool thing I accomplished was a new bike trick! I can 
 now stand on my bike a skirt! When you are on a bike all day 
 every day you learn that these tricks really aren't that hard. Haha 
 (see Dovers, I've come a long way in my bike riding abilities)  I may 
 look scared in the picture, but that's just because I wasn't sure how 
 to get back I was scared! 
 Quote of the week/ quote of my mission that I found this week: 
 Obedience is the price, Faith is the power, LOVE is the motive, the 
 spirit is the key, Christ is the reason, and eternal life is the 
 I love you! 
 Sista Upshaw 
Yes, she is crazy

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