Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week one in Sarasota

 11120 Lost Creek Terrace #210 
 Bradenton, FL 34211 
 That is my new address. My new area is way different! I am RIGHT BY THE 
 BEACH!!! Also I live in a flippn' resort! It's kind of ridiculous how nice 
 this place is...The work is pretty slow here right now because this area 
 has only been open for 6 weeks. I am so grateful for my last week in my 
 last area though. I saw things happen there that I didn't think were 
 possible solely because we had a change in our mindset. Because of that I 
 know this area has the same potential despite it's past progress. Heavenly 
 Father Knows I love a challenge so here it goes! haha We had a mission 
 conference on Saturday with some important people from another country that 
 I cant even pretend I know how to say their names.... Anyway they gave an 
 awesome training. 
 He said something pretty profound about Satan. He said, "Satan cares about 
 every single one of your investigators." I hadn't really thought about that 
 before. He totally cares about me. He cares about each and every one of us. 
 He is aware of our every action. Satan is as real as God is, and sometimes 
 I forget that. I think sometimes we feel like if we are doing the things we 
 are suppose to then Satan will have no influence on us. It's true that God 
 has given us tools to defend ourselves, but even Jesus Christ struggled 
 with temptation. Of course we will too! The other realization I had was how 
 he works. President Cusick loves to use drug references when teaching about 
 Satan. My first convo with him went as follows, 
 Pres: "Sister Upshaw, Do you smoke Pot?" 
 Me:  "Uhhh... No?" 
 Pres:" Good! Then Satan probably isn't going to get you to go smoke a bowl 
 behind Publix is he?" 
 Me: "Probably not, President..." 
 Pres: "But he might get you to doubt yourself, or get home homesick, etc..) 
 First off, President Cusick cracks me up. Two he is so right! Satan is a 
 jerk and he knows exactly what will do the most damage in our lives. 
 Sometimes he just gets us to feel discouraged or to doubt for a second. 
 It's totally enough for him. He is pretty easily satisfied. He will come 
 back in a bit and get us to fall a little farther. What a punk! Luckily we 
 have a loving father in heaven who is also very aware of us and if we turn 
 to Him and do all we can to follow Him, He will provide a way for us to 
 overcome whatever we are going through. It doesn't mean it will be sunshine 
 and roses though! Just possible! I love you all so much! 
 -Sister Upshaw 
 P.s. Shay blew up the microwave!? haha I thought she was the mature one in 
 the family? Jokes! It's totes me. I am even learning how to make food that 
 doesn't come from a box! Look out world, I'm your new (insert some famous 
 chef's name here).... 
Chelsea's new companion Sis. Calder


Monday, January 20, 2014

Training Meeting Pictures 1-11-14

Chelsea with her companion Sis. Peterson

Chelsea with her MTC companion Sis. Ormsby and the companion she has to leave tomorrow Sis. Peterson

Chelsea looks like she even enjoys taking classes.

When you argue with God....

Holy cow! Seems like everyone had a rather crazy week back home. Jeremy and Des both got engaged!? (Not to each other, but....You know what I mean) That is psyco! I am so stinkn' excited!

Goodness this has been a crazy week here. I can't believe I have been here in Gibsonia for 5 months. It feels like I just got here, yet I have seen it change so much! We had an incredible week filled with one miracle right after the other. We started teaching 7 new people (which is a lot for this area)! Each one of them is so excited and ready for the message that we have to share. Each time we met one of them it was a crazy situation. Like we took a wrong turn or decided to go a different way. Seriously the Lord's hand is in EVERYTHING!! SO why then do we still argue with Him? (and by we I mean me...) 

Man this week I have been talking His ear off! Transfer calls were last Saturday and I had this feeling all week I was going to be leaving. I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE! Seriously I think I told Him that every morning in my prayers. It didn't make sense! I was just called as a Sister Training Leader. I am co-training sister Kunz. It just seemed ridiculously unlikely. So Saturday roles around and we get the phone call. "Sister Peterson and Sister Kunz, You're staying together. Sister Upshaw, You're transferring." Are you serious!? I was like what the heck Heavenly father!? I am pretty sure we talked about this! Remember? I said if you gave me one more transfer here I would leave peacefully? Ya he didn't exactly take the note I threw in His suggestion box. Needless to say I was struggling with leaving. All jokes aside I had prayed earnestly to stay. I just felt like so many people here are so close to understanding and making leaps and bounds and just when they need me most I am leaving. 

Then Sunday at church we talked about the nature of God. The teacher asked what were some characteristics of God. people listed a few and I racked my brain trying to think who God was to me. We had an investigator there and I wanted her to know what I had come to know about my Father in Heaven. I testified that God loves us. He is so concerned about each and every one of His children. He is concerned for me. He has MY best interest at heart. I found myself asking if I really believed that. and I am happy to say that I do! Not only do I believe that, but I know it! 

While I'm still not jumping for joy at the idea of leaving these people I know my Father in Heaven is in charge. If He says it's time to move on then I guess it is. After all, it isn't the first time I've left home.  

I love you all so very much! oh and if you are sending a letter then send it to the mission office or wait until I know my new address. 

Much love, 

Sister Upshaw


Hello Hello, It's your friendly Floridian sister here. This week I was officially dubbed a true Floridian when the temp dropped to 75 and I was wearing a sweater. My blood is thinning! What ever... I am from Vegas. Where people wear boots, a hoodie, a scarf and shorts. Just a walking contradiction... haha The weather has been stellar here!
Okay so this week was kind of uber stressful, but awesome possum at the same time! We had a leadership conference where president chastised us all. He talked about how we have come so far, but we still have so far to go. He talked about how that needed to start with the leadership of the mission. Then Sunday President showed up in our ward. We got a call from him later with some pretty intense correction for the ward leaders and for us missionaries. He told us to stand on chairs....(That wasn't really important to tell you...) anyways long story short we recognized how much more we could be doing. I am so grateful for a mission president who doesn't allow us to stay 'in our comfort zone" He understands that we can't learn and grow if we don't stretch ourselves. 

The Lord expects the same of us. I think I mentioned it before, but I love this epiphany I had a few months ago so I will share it again. When we excepted the call to come to this earth we did it so we could learn and grow and return to our father in heaven BETTER then the way we were when we left. Just as I have NO intentions of returning to God the way I left Him I also have NO intentions of returning to Vegas the way I left!

P.s. I bought a can of raid and have yet to see another menacing Roach. Dylan had no sympathy for me... He just said, "Sorry to hear about roaches! Have you killed a rat yet!?" 

Africa's changed him... ;P haha 

I love you all so very much. Have a wonderful week! Oh ya, and try to stay warm! I will be enjoying temps in the 80's! 

Love always, 

Sister Upshaw

Monday, January 6, 2014

2014=year of the mutant roaches!

Holly roaches! These things are disgusting! New Years Eve we came in and were absolutely exhausted! I barely make it through planning and collapse on my bed when I see the most horrific cockroach just chilln' on the ceiling directly ABOVE MY BED! This is about the time I discover that my companions also have a phobia of all insects. They were out of the room before I even finished screaming. I look over and both of them are sitting in the kitchen with their fingers on their nose. (for those who don't know that's a lovely game of "nose goes" which means I had to kill the demon!) After A LOT of convincing I grabbed a cup and trapped it on the ceiling. The little nasty DIDN'T EVEN FIT IN THE CUP!!! Ughhhhh Mutant bugs! Finally we got it outside and I threw away the cup. Oh but that's not all! The next morning I wake up, barely can see (we all know my eyes don't open ever let alone at 6:30 AM) and this even BIGGER Roach has the audacity to hide behind my bathroom door. It then proceeded to CHASE me! I was so angry I almost started to cry! Then Sister Peterson comes in all ticked off at the bug and slaughters it with a shoe. ahhhhh I hate Florida bugs!
Luckily the people here are wonderful. Each week I love them more! There are a couple people we are teaching that are going through some particularly challenging times. I feel so helpless.I have no idea what to do for them. All I have in my belt are "pray, read your scriptures and it will all be okay" Somehow I feel dumb offering that advice when the person I am talking to feels as if their life has just ended. However I had it affirmed to me this week that I really have no idea what these people need, but God does and He allows me to understand enough so that I can be an instrument. I am so grateful for a loving God who is so very aware of each and every one of His children. 

I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you all. Especially You Mom and Dad. You two are my biggest fans and I want you to know I feel your prayers. Have a wonderful week!