Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, January 6, 2014

2014=year of the mutant roaches!

Holly roaches! These things are disgusting! New Years Eve we came in and were absolutely exhausted! I barely make it through planning and collapse on my bed when I see the most horrific cockroach just chilln' on the ceiling directly ABOVE MY BED! This is about the time I discover that my companions also have a phobia of all insects. They were out of the room before I even finished screaming. I look over and both of them are sitting in the kitchen with their fingers on their nose. (for those who don't know that's a lovely game of "nose goes" which means I had to kill the demon!) After A LOT of convincing I grabbed a cup and trapped it on the ceiling. The little nasty DIDN'T EVEN FIT IN THE CUP!!! Ughhhhh Mutant bugs! Finally we got it outside and I threw away the cup. Oh but that's not all! The next morning I wake up, barely can see (we all know my eyes don't open ever let alone at 6:30 AM) and this even BIGGER Roach has the audacity to hide behind my bathroom door. It then proceeded to CHASE me! I was so angry I almost started to cry! Then Sister Peterson comes in all ticked off at the bug and slaughters it with a shoe. ahhhhh I hate Florida bugs!
Luckily the people here are wonderful. Each week I love them more! There are a couple people we are teaching that are going through some particularly challenging times. I feel so helpless.I have no idea what to do for them. All I have in my belt are "pray, read your scriptures and it will all be okay" Somehow I feel dumb offering that advice when the person I am talking to feels as if their life has just ended. However I had it affirmed to me this week that I really have no idea what these people need, but God does and He allows me to understand enough so that I can be an instrument. I am so grateful for a loving God who is so very aware of each and every one of His children. 

I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you all. Especially You Mom and Dad. You two are my biggest fans and I want you to know I feel your prayers. Have a wonderful week!

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