Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, January 20, 2014


Hello Hello, It's your friendly Floridian sister here. This week I was officially dubbed a true Floridian when the temp dropped to 75 and I was wearing a sweater. My blood is thinning! What ever... I am from Vegas. Where people wear boots, a hoodie, a scarf and shorts. Just a walking contradiction... haha The weather has been stellar here!
Okay so this week was kind of uber stressful, but awesome possum at the same time! We had a leadership conference where president chastised us all. He talked about how we have come so far, but we still have so far to go. He talked about how that needed to start with the leadership of the mission. Then Sunday President showed up in our ward. We got a call from him later with some pretty intense correction for the ward leaders and for us missionaries. He told us to stand on chairs....(That wasn't really important to tell you...) anyways long story short we recognized how much more we could be doing. I am so grateful for a mission president who doesn't allow us to stay 'in our comfort zone" He understands that we can't learn and grow if we don't stretch ourselves. 

The Lord expects the same of us. I think I mentioned it before, but I love this epiphany I had a few months ago so I will share it again. When we excepted the call to come to this earth we did it so we could learn and grow and return to our father in heaven BETTER then the way we were when we left. Just as I have NO intentions of returning to God the way I left Him I also have NO intentions of returning to Vegas the way I left!

P.s. I bought a can of raid and have yet to see another menacing Roach. Dylan had no sympathy for me... He just said, "Sorry to hear about roaches! Have you killed a rat yet!?" 

Africa's changed him... ;P haha 

I love you all so very much. Have a wonderful week! Oh ya, and try to stay warm! I will be enjoying temps in the 80's! 

Love always, 

Sister Upshaw

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