Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, January 20, 2014

When you argue with God....

Holy cow! Seems like everyone had a rather crazy week back home. Jeremy and Des both got engaged!? (Not to each other, but....You know what I mean) That is psyco! I am so stinkn' excited!

Goodness this has been a crazy week here. I can't believe I have been here in Gibsonia for 5 months. It feels like I just got here, yet I have seen it change so much! We had an incredible week filled with one miracle right after the other. We started teaching 7 new people (which is a lot for this area)! Each one of them is so excited and ready for the message that we have to share. Each time we met one of them it was a crazy situation. Like we took a wrong turn or decided to go a different way. Seriously the Lord's hand is in EVERYTHING!! SO why then do we still argue with Him? (and by we I mean me...) 

Man this week I have been talking His ear off! Transfer calls were last Saturday and I had this feeling all week I was going to be leaving. I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE! Seriously I think I told Him that every morning in my prayers. It didn't make sense! I was just called as a Sister Training Leader. I am co-training sister Kunz. It just seemed ridiculously unlikely. So Saturday roles around and we get the phone call. "Sister Peterson and Sister Kunz, You're staying together. Sister Upshaw, You're transferring." Are you serious!? I was like what the heck Heavenly father!? I am pretty sure we talked about this! Remember? I said if you gave me one more transfer here I would leave peacefully? Ya he didn't exactly take the note I threw in His suggestion box. Needless to say I was struggling with leaving. All jokes aside I had prayed earnestly to stay. I just felt like so many people here are so close to understanding and making leaps and bounds and just when they need me most I am leaving. 

Then Sunday at church we talked about the nature of God. The teacher asked what were some characteristics of God. people listed a few and I racked my brain trying to think who God was to me. We had an investigator there and I wanted her to know what I had come to know about my Father in Heaven. I testified that God loves us. He is so concerned about each and every one of His children. He is concerned for me. He has MY best interest at heart. I found myself asking if I really believed that. and I am happy to say that I do! Not only do I believe that, but I know it! 

While I'm still not jumping for joy at the idea of leaving these people I know my Father in Heaven is in charge. If He says it's time to move on then I guess it is. After all, it isn't the first time I've left home.  

I love you all so very much! oh and if you are sending a letter then send it to the mission office or wait until I know my new address. 

Much love, 

Sister Upshaw

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