Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hola! Como Estas?

... If you didn't read that like Elder Callughn then go read it again. If 
 you don't know who that is then go watch "The best two years" Like right 
 now! For realz! It is the beeze neeze and ridiculously accurate! 
 This week was a pretty good week! I am absolutely exhausted though! Fun 
 fact! We have to bike about 10 miles before we get to anyone! We have a few 
 people closer than that, but not many... We biked SO MUCH last week! Our 
 area is huge! Oh and we left Florida for a solid week and landed in 
 Washington apparently... It was overcast and rainy for FOUR days straight! 
 and it was cold rain! Luckily we arrived back in Florida yesterday though 
 so no worries! I am such a baby when it comes to the cold. I remember 
 everyone telling me how the humidity makes it like a 10000x worse, but I 
 didn't really believe them. SORRY Jeremiah! It gets in your bones and you 
 can not get warm! You all will laugh when you go look at the weather and 
 see the lowest it got last week was like 45, but whatevs I was freezing my 
 buns off! 
 Okay so basically I love this area! My ward is awesome and the people are 
 great! The only challenge is that it is a pretty wealthy area. I can't tell 
 you how many times this week I ran into people who flat out do not believe 
 in God. One man told me Jesus Christ was a political statement. What does 
 that even mean!? I was pretty much devastated... I can't comprehend how you 
 could not believe in God and be happy. What would be the point of this 
 life? Anyway so I was starting to be hesitant to talk to people. I didn't 
 want to have another person reject something that means everything to me. 
 So Saturday I was feeling this way and we had been biking for hours with no 
 success. We finally called a member to see if we could swing by to get some 
 water. We headed over, but this lady lives in like Narnia! Seriously it is 
 so hard to find the turn off to her street! We biked back and forth for 30 
 minutes on the same quarter mile! It was crazy. Finally I found a dirt road 
 that I thought was it. Sister Calder was like that's not it, but we can try 
 it. Long story short we go down and find a woman who had been praying for 
 direction in her life and here we come riding down a weird dirt road that 
 lead to nowhere! Crazy right!? 
 The Lord is definitely proving me here, but I can honestly say I love it! 
 Sometimes I am a total baby about it, but luckily he still loves me and 
 provides little miracles along the way! Look for the little miracles in 
 your lives. I promise they're there! I love you all so much! 
 HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY NAE-NAE!!!! I love you so stinkn' much!!! MUAH! 
 -Love Sister Upshaw 

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