Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mon, 10 Feb 2014 Post

As you can see, she has adjusted well to her new area.  She is resisting the 
temptation of the beach.  Boy has she grown up.  As a child, if there was a body 
of water any where in site, she was in it.  I'm glad she is being obedient and 
staying focused on the reason she is there.  She will have plenty of time in her 
life to play on the beach.  
Regarding the Ipads, I thought she already had them because she was made a 
Facebook Missionary.  Evidently, the only time she could post anything was when 
she was at the library or at the business center in the apartment complex.  
Since time was limited, she hasn't posted very many things.  We'll see if that 
changes once she has the Ipad. 

quote of the week: "Good friends are like bacon bits in the salad of life" 
I have never heard a more true statement in my life! Except like.... That 
the gospel is true... That totes tops it! haha 
This week was pretty stellar! I LOVE MY WARD HERE! Monday night we had 
dinner with a family who is in the circus! Crazy right? We went in their 
backyard and they have a huge cage thing back there! Their act is riding 
motor cycles in the cage while she hangs by her neck in the middle. Super 
cool! We also have a Par-olympian (sp) basketball player and remember that 
one year I went to EFY? Well one of the teachers there that kind of changed 
my life... Is in my ward! Unreal right? His name is Justin Su'a and he is 
pretty much the greatest! Someone else here is on Broadway and one of the 
people we are teaching is a pro Ballerina! Sarasota is Crazy! 
Fun fact! The beach is in our area and I see it EVERYDAY! It's sad though 
because I just want to go lay in the sand like all day! It is kind of 
torture, but I suppose I will live. I am starting to LOVE this area! We 
have been working really hard the last couple of weeks and finally our 
teaching pool is growing! haha Last week we hardly had to plan at night 
because we had so many appointments! I LOVE it! MAn I feel lame today, but 
I just can't think of anything cool to share with ya... 
I love you all so much! We are going to head out to the boardwalk today and 
go to a circus museum! Seriously I am currently living in the coolest city 
in the US! 
Have an awesome week! 
-Love, Sista Upshaw! 
p.s. We are getting iPads this week! 

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