Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Return to Florida

Well this week we officially arrived back in Florida. It was 95 degrees and super humid! All the natives have been telling us how harsh this winter was... I'm pretty sure it didn't even ever hit freezing. Apparently they are now expecting a crazy summer though so that should be fun!
The beginning of this week was a blast! We spent the first 3 days in Tampa street contacting! They are taking small groups up there at various times so we get more comfortable with talking to everyone! To make it even better, Sister Ormsby (my MTC comp was there) We were staying in the same apartment so that was a good time. I just love her! We are plotting to be put back together within the next couple transfers! ;P 

okay so something cool I learned this week. How dang important studying is! I heard once that when we need to talk to God we pray, when we want to know what He has to say, we read the scriptures. That is so dang true! I have had so many experiences on my mission of needing an answer and then I open the scriptures and it is EXACTLY what I need! Last week I read something that was like, "come on Timothy... You had to have written that JUST for me!" It was word for word a direct answer to my prayer! Goodness I am so grateful for the experiences we have that remind us how real God is. He is always there for us and He loves us so much! It is truly incredible. I love you all so much! Have an amazing week!

Love, Sister Upshaw
Her letter home was short this week because she was uploading pictures.  At least I finally got some from her.

She is still a dare devil

That is a baby alligator

Sis. Calder and Chelsea with their Metro pass

Baby alligator

They were given pepper spray when they went into Tampa. 

Chelsea and Sis Ormsby were MTC companions and Sis. Calder and Sis Ormsby's companion were MTC companions


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