Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I have ZERO musical ability!

Who is 5' 4, wearing a skirt, drowning as she breaths and currently emailing on her iPAD!? THIS GIRL!! The whole drowning as I breathe thing is due to the 80% humidity! (I know I am a little baby) WE GOT iPADS!! Seriously it is the greatest thing ever! Finally we can show people videos WHENEVER and WHEREVER we want! It is AWESOME! One of the weirdest things ya ever did see was a room full of missionaries having an iPad put in their hands. We had to drive 2 hours to the conference on Thursday. Once we got there President welcomed us all out and announces that I will be leading the music.... The convo went as follows:
Pres: Sister Calder will be playing the piano and Sister Upshaw will lead
Me: Uhh... I don't know how...
Pres: That's okay
Me: This is what your going to get (Me making a check mark with my arm in the air)
Pres: That's fine... I don't watch the chorister anyway.
Me: Are you being serious?? I barely know how to SING the hymns, let alone lead them! 
Pres: Yes I'm serious! 

I don't think he believed me that I didn't know how, but I'd be willing to bet that is the LAST time he ever asks me to do it! It was actually pretty funny. I really have no idea why he didn't ask one of the other 30 people there that probably ALL know how to lead, but whatevs. I seriously have ZERO musical talent.... Ask any of my comps. poor things have to hear me sing every day! 

On the real though this week was AWESOME! I LOVE this place! I know that is like polar opposite to what I was saying 3 weeks ago, but it for sure has grown on me! We are starting to get really busy, which makes any missionary pretty darn happy! President Cusick has been really focusing on the blessings that come from being exactly obedient. Quite frankly I thought he had lost his marbles after last week... The ZL's came in and put blue tape on everything in the apartment that we had to get rid of. They put tape on our COUCH! We were like what the heck pres! Anyway then I was reading in Joshua about the children of Israel and the people of Jericho. The israelites were given some pretty ridiculous instruction from the Lord. Essentially they had to walk in circles for 7 days without saying a word and then shout at just the right moment. They had no idea what would happen when they completed this just that they would prevail against the people of Jericho. Well the walls of the city came crumbling down. I'm sure that far exceeded what they thought would happen. It wasn't the physical act of what they did that made the wall fall. It was because they had faith and were obedient that the Lord blessed them! 

How often are we asked to do something that we don't do because we don't understand the purpose behind it? If it comes from God then there is probably a pretty good reason behind it. Maybe all that reason is, is to to test our faith and give us an opportunity to be obedient. Who knows? All I know is that he is bound when we do what he says and he has made us some pretty sweet promises so it's kind of a no brainer! 

I love ya'll so much! I hope you have a great week full of dry air and warm sun! 

Love always, 

Sister Upshaw

p.s. That wasn't facetious! Humidity kills!
Chelsea and Sis. Calder

Instead of doing pull ups she decided to hang upside down

In their apartment

Crazy girls

They have to get rid of the couch

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