Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Christmas in July! 7-7-14

 Hello hello mi familia! I hope your celebration of America's Birthday was 
> stupendous! Ours was pretty good. We got to know the entire Bradenton 
> police force pretty well. Haha they had this Fourth of July event that we 
> went to go see and try to talk to people there and the member that came 
> with us knew all of the cops because her husband is a sergeant. It was a 
> blast, but we had to leave pretty much right as the fireworks started so we 
> could get home on time. We tried to get permission to be out later and 
> this is the response we got, "woah woah woah! Sisters! That's borderline 
> APOSTATE!" Haha our ZLs are weirdos. ;P 
> Speaking of weirdos... All of the people here, including the 
> missionaries I serve around, think I NEVER EAT and that when I do eat, 
> I eat "delicately". Can we just take that in for a second? I have 
> heard a lot of different words people have used to describe my eating 
> habits, but delicate has never been one of them. They clearly aren't 
> paying close enough attention at the dinner table... My whole life I 
> have been told I eat too much too fast!  Clearly I belong in the 
> south! These people know how to eat! Another fun fact... The mission 
> doctor thinks I may be lactose intolerant. You know how I have been 
> saying I haven't really been feeling well? I started keeping track of 
> when it happened and what the symptoms were and it kind of seemed like 
> it was mostly happening after I had a glass of milk. After an hour or 
> two I would be fine again. So he told me to cut out dairy for two 
> weeks.... That has been a struggle because I typically go through a 
> gallon of milk a week. I thought it was crazy when he suggested that! 
> I have never had an issue in the past! Apparently turning 20 means 
> everything about life changes too? I do have to say though, I haven't 
> felt sick all week... 
> Ahhhh man, happy July everyone! I can't believe the year is half over! 
> Oh hey it's July 7th...happy 11 month birthday to me! One of the 
> elders that was in the MTC with me is now in my ward here, (well we 
> have been serving in this ward together since March) but anyway... He 
> always tells me the stats on our missions. It's kind of fun because I 
> feel like I  have a limited understanding of how time works out here. 
> I mean I am not positive, but I am pretty sure every once in a while 
> we have a few weeks that are shorter than a day and days that are 
> longer than weeks. If that doesn't make sense... Well then I'm not 
> surprised so.... Moving on. 
> A few weeks ago we went to the hospital to visit a member. She is One 
> sweet lady, but was pretty out of it and didn't feel much like 
> talking. We decided to sing her a few hymns and she just lit up. 
> Sister Skeem and I both love a song called "Master the tempest is 
> Raging" so we saved that one for last. If you have never heard it 
> before you should look it up because it is so powerful! It is a 
> desperate call for the savior to calm the trials in our lives, yet 
> there is still so much trust that all things are in His control. This 
> sister asked us to sing it 3 times in a row. I am sure the entire 
> facility wanted to kick us out, but she closed her eyes and soaked in 
> every word! I've never seen music touch someone so deeply and trust 
> me, it wasn't our singing that touched her. Haha a few weeks after 
> that we went to see her in the nursing home where she is now. As soon 
> as she saw us she asked us to sing that song. After we finished we 
> asked if there was another song we could sing. She thought for a 
> moment, "well with Christmas just around the corner how about a 
> Christmas song?" I couldn't help but smile. We didn't bother to 
> correct her. So we sat and sang Christmas songs... In July. 
> I thought about that a lot this week. Her frail frame and her soft 
> voice saying, "Christmas is just around the corner." It brought a 
> smile to her face as she said it. I thought about what the Christmas 
> season should bring; joy, excitement, and a closeness to our Savior. 
> With those things in mind we should always be preparing for that 
> holiday season. We should be close to our savior year round. That is 
> sort of my new motto whenever I feel down, "Christmas is just around 
> the corner!" It cheers me right up! I love the people here and I am 
> excited to be staying in the area for at least one more transfer! 
> Oh ya, I forgot to mention transfers are this week and I am staying! 
> Whoo I have never had a comp longer than 2 transfers (I guess I scare 
> them off?) so this is kind of monumental for me! Haha I love you mucho 
> have an amazing week! 
> Love, Sister Upshaw 
> P.S. Welcome home Dyliedoo! (In two days) It is super weird/ exciting 
> to think that two years ago Dylan and Randy were on missions while 
> Kels and I were at home and now it's reversed! Who would have guessed? 
Sarasota Missionaries

She is trying to find a way to bring this dog home with her
 Chelsea has always been the jokester in our home.  It's nice to see that
she still finds ways to "entertain" herself.


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