Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Friday, July 4, 2014

My week in a very large nutshell... 6-30-14

 For those of you that get Chelsea's letters from me by email, I have been 
told that the whole message didn't come through.  So, here is the 
whole thing. 
This week was AWESOME! We have been having a pretty hard time in this 
> area lately and it has kind of been numbing me out. We noticed that 
> because we didn't have that many people to teach we had gotten pretty 
> lax in everything we were doing. This week we fixed that! We were more 
> diligent and worked harder and had a phenomenal week! We met all of 
> our goals and then some AND one of my favorite people decided this 
> week that she wants to be baptized! She is such a sweet girl and has 
> such a powerful testimony of gods love. I learn from Inita every time 
> we meet with her. Here are some other highlights from my week.... 
> Happy part of my week: 
> Tiwi has been unplugged! Okay so I don't remember if I told ya'll 
> about Tiwi... I think I have? Anyway, basically it is a little box 
> mounted on our windshield that records and reports anytime we speed, 
> make an aggressive maneuver, or do anything in the car Tiwi deems 
> "unsafe". Well... Last week our Tiwi was malfunctioning. It kept 
> saying this random phrase that we had never heard before, but we 
> really don't know what it was saying. It sounded like gibberish! I, 
> for one, am convinced Satan dwells within that little black box, but 
> the mission office seemed to think the box was just defective. They 
> gave us permission to unplug it until someone could come down and fix 
> it. Well they came down and just broke it even more! So we have been 
> driving without a Tiwi for 2 weeks and I am so dang happy! I swear I 
> actually drive better without it nagging me! It's like how Dad drives 
> better when Mom isn't in the car ;P (just kidding Mom! #loveyou) 
> Sad part of my week: 
> We went to firehouse subs for lunch on Thursday and everyone was glued 
> to the t.v. Sis Skeem goes, "I think Germany and U.S. Are playing" it 
> was the World Cup! Ahhh I almost cried! It was such a struggle to not 
> watch that beautiful game! She thought it was hilarious and took like 
> 7 years to finish eating! Haha that night a Colombian family we taught 
> who is obsessed with the World Cup (they have they're priorities 
> straight) told us ALL about the game. Literally I am surrounded by 
> people who don't care at all about soccer... My sweet Colombian family 
> are the only ones that have it together! Haha Florida needs to get 
> there priorities straight! 
> Scary part of my week: 
> Ahhhh we went out with a member and her driving was HORRIFYING! like 
> worse than my sister! (We all know which one) we were driving down a 
> dirt road going really fast and then someone PASSED us! I was like, 
> "wow! I am surprised he passed you! You are already going 60!" I think 
> I might have offended her because she immediately slowed down and said 
> she hoped she wasn't driving too roughly. I wanted to scream, YES YOU 
> ARE, WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! Instead I assured her she was driving just 
> fine. Haha my comp was busting up in the back seat. She said she could 
> see the genuine fear in my eyes. lol The struggle is real! 
> Obnoxious, yet still glorious, part of the week: 
> Thursday night around 3 AM I wake up to a ridiculously loud siren and 
> blue flashing lights. The fire alarm was going off in our building. I 
> jump up and look outside and all of our neighbors are vacating. I go 
> back inside wake up Sis. Skeem who was still begging me to turn it 
> off... Haha So there we were at 3AM with all of our neighbors chillin' 
> in our PJs. We stood there for a solid 30 minutes while waiting for 
> the fire department. Meanwhile we got to know some of our neighbors 
> pretty well! Actually some of them who wouldn't even look at us before 
> are friendly now. Clearly we all bonded over our love for being awoken 
> suddenly at 3AM by a fire alarm when there isn't actually a fire... 
> Blessings come in unexpected ways right? 
> I got a picture from Sister Peterson last week. Two of my favorite 
> families were baptized back in Gibsonia! Is that cool or what?! I am 
> sooooooo happy! Two Sundays ago, the Prentices met with Bishop and 
   said they want to be baptized! When I was teaching them, they tried 
   dropping us twice, but because the member that referred them became 
   really good friends with 
> them, they stayed involved in church activities and always had a 
> connection to the gospel. I have such a testimony of fellowshipping! 
> Never give up! also the parkers was the very first family I found on my 
> mission! They are the greatest! When we met them that night she 
> was hesitant to let us in, but we said a prayer with her and her family and 
> she admitted to us that when we pulled up she had just finished saying a 
> prayer to know what it is that she and her family needed in their life (she 
> had felt like something was missing) I am so grateful for the spirit and 
> the miracles He works in people's hearts! 
> I love you all! The gospel is growing and so much good is happening! 
> -Sister Upshaw 
They have an hour drive to District Meeting every week. This is what they do
(Sis. Skeem is very talented.  She makes up the little songs they do)

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