Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Friday, July 4, 2014

Sorry! Only pics this week... 6-23-14

This is part of her weekly report to her Mission President.  She sent lots  of

pictures this week.

I love this area! I love the people we teach, the missionaries here
are incredible, and these members have to be some of the most
inspiring saints I have ever met. I really mean that. I love it here!
However the last few weeks our lessons have dropped to about 12
lessons a week, and over half of those are less active visits. I feel
like we are doing great things here, but I definitely don't feel like
it is good enough.

I'm sorry my weekly letters have been so terrible. On another note in
my studies I have been reading about the motives of various people in
the Book of Mormon as they chose to do things. Like captain Moroni and
the title of liberty, or Lehi leaving Jerusalem, Alma and the sons of
Mosiah preaching to the Lamanites. All of them were motivated by Love
for their families and God. Really they all did what they did because
the had charity. That's the Christlike attribute I want to develop on
my mission. I always thought I had that one down, but I'm realizing
more and more that I am farther from the mark than I thought.


 -Sister Upshaw
The Elders attacked their car with pass along cards

Cleaned out their kitchen and found lots of dishes that don't  belong to them

This is for Bro. & Sis Dover (because she loves you)

FHE with a family in their area

They do visits in a nursing home
Lunch Elder & Sis. Clark
Sis. Calder her Mission BFF
Her Florida family (she says she just loves this family)  Sis. Evans passed away recently

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