Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Saturday, July 19, 2014

My favorite Irish lady! 7-14-14

We finally moved! Hallelujah! We have been trying to move apartments 
since May...funny story, true story, the second we finished loading 
our stuff into the back of a member's truck it started pouring rain! 
We laughed at the thought of trying to dry out our mattresses, books, 
and whatever else was now being soaked by the rain. When we unloaded 
the stuff only some of it was a little damp, but nothing was too bad. 
I don't know if you have experienced a Florida rain storm, but our 
things should have need destroyed! Miracle? I think YES! 
I had one of the sweetest experiences of my mission this week. Let me 
back track a bit.... So about two weeks ago we got a call from the 
other missionaries we share the area with. Elder Ronfeldt was the one 
speaking and he says, "sisters, I am about to do something I will 
regret for the rest of my life." "Uhhh okay Ronfeldt? What's up?" He 
told us about a lady named Paula and how he and elder Leavitt felt she 
would be better off being taught by sisters. He told us how much he 
loved this lady and how hard it was to pass her over to us. Before he 
hung up he said, "sisters, I know you take care of all the people you 
teach, but PLEASE take EXTRA care of her." We set up an appointment 
with her for the following night and from the moment we met her we 
definitely understood why he loved her so much and why it was so hard 
for him to pass her off. 
Fast forward to yesterday. She came to church for the second time and 
I was amazed by all the things that touched her so deeply. From the 
talks given, songs sung, and even some of the paintings on the wall. 
During one of the hymns she teared up and eventually tears fell freely 
as the song progressed. She apologized and of course we told her she 
had nothing to apologize for and that her heart had been touched by 
the spirit. She said, "He didn't just touch it. He grabbed it!" I was 
so grateful that not only was she feeling the spirit, but she 
recognized it! 
In between classes she needed to walk around a bit so we decided to 
show her the baptismal font. (That is were baptisms take place inside 
the chapel. It is kind of like a giant bathtub. Haha) We opened the 
doors and as she leaned over the glass she asked what else she needed 
to do to be baptized. We told her we would continue teaching her so 
she could better understand what the church is all about. She looked 
at me and said, "oh Hunny, I already know what this church is all 
about. I have seen it in the members." I gave her a big hug and she 
continued, "You have no idea how long I have searched for a place 
where I belong. I finally feel like I am home." Tears filled her eyes 
as she threw her arms around my neck. She thanked us for coming into 
her life and said she feels we have brought her something she didn't 
know she was looking for. I realized how much I take for granted. I am 
so use to feeling the happiness the gospel brings and the peace the 
spirit offers. It was an amazing experience to see someone 
experiencing it all for the first time and really soaking it in. 
I couldn't be happier right now. Not just because things are going so 
well, but because I really feel like I am changing. I LOVE this gospel 
and I am understanding more each day what it means to LIVE it! I love 
my family and I am so grateful for all the support I get from you 
guys. I hope you have an amazing week! 
Love always, 
Sister Upshaw 
Chelsea's new address:
8449 Gardens Cir.
Apt. #1
Sarasota, FL  34243

They are now allowed on the beach

But they still can't go in the water

I think they are a little excited about being able to go on the beach

They went to the dentist because Sis. Skeem thought she chipped a tooth.
The dentist gave them both free cleanings, because he likes what the 
Missionaries do.  Chelsea thought that was "sweet"!!  Plus, they got
these cool t-shirts.

                                                    Your guess is as good as mine on these

Moving Day

She wants to bring this little boy home with her, too.


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