Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, September 1, 2014

Biking misadventures 9-1-14

EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! ( I haven't seen that Lego movie, but everyone 
quotes it and it is applicable to this weeks adventures so I'm gonna 
role with it.) 
This week was absolutely insane! We were so busy we actually had to 
tell people that we would have to wait until next week to see them 
because our week was so full. Every single person we are working with 
made some kind of progress this week. Oh and on this crazy busy week I 
was asked to give a talk... I literally had ZERO time to prepare! All 
of our meal times were rushed because of the busy schedule and studies 
were full of preparing for lessons. So I was super nervous, but it 
came together really well and let's just hope it's the last talk I 
have to give as a missionary! 
Fun fact! Sister Yellow and I were beat with a fly swatter this week! 
Haha we decided to bike to an appointment that was a little far and by 
the time we got there we were dripping sweat! Like clothes soaked and 
all. Sister Carroll kept calling us sweaty little pigs and hitting us 
with "Mr. Swatter". It was so funny! She made us go into the bathroom 
and wash up/ dry off. Then she took us home when it was time to leave 
because there was no way she was letting us bike back. Ah man, I love 
that family!  Oh we also got caught in massive rain storms like 5 
times this week. 
There were countless miracles this week, but one in particular stood 
out for me. We have this super amazing investigator, Debbie. Debbie 
has a 19 year old daughter who was baptized when she was 12. My first 
day here Sister Yellow was telling me how quiet Debbie is and how she 
had no desire to be baptized, but at the lesson that night we taught 
about repentance and how much joy we can feel as we try to change for 
the better. Then Sister Yellow invited her to be baptized and she said 
YES! Ahhh then later we were praying about a day for her baptism and 
we were thinking late September, but then Sister Yellow and I both 
felt like that wasn't quite right. So we prayed again and September 
6th came to mind. When we told Debbie she was so excited! That is two 
days before her birthday and the following week they are taking a trip 
to Orlando so now they can go to the temple together! How perfect! Man 
missionary work is the best! Prayer is real and if we listen we 
definitely get our answers! 
I hope everyone is doing great! I love you! 
-Sister Upshaw 
Oh my gosh! We just got to the church and the elders are here too and 
they totally have a dog here. He is sooooo cute! I guess someone left 
him locked in this little gated area of our church. We aren't sure 
what to do with him, but it made me think of how Nae, Shay, and I 
would "find" dogs in the neighborhood and try to convince mom and dad 
to let us keep them. Ahhh good times :) 
                    Pictures of the dog they found 

                                          This is the Chapel  that Rachelle goes to.  The missionaries
                                          meet there every Wednesday for District meetings

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