Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, September 15, 2014

I have no brain power today... 9-15-14

My brain has clearly been turned off today because I have no idea what to
write about this week or even how to start my email... This is a sad day
for Sister Upshaw. I am just gonna go ahead and apologize now for the
randomness of this email...

This week was pretty quiet compared to our last two weeks of non stop
teaching, but that's okay because it gave us time to do A LOT of finding!
Finding is when you get all of the hilarious mission stories. Like the time
a man slid off of his couch onto the floor after we already made eye
contact! Another time someone literally dove into bushes to avoid me and my
companion! Then their was this other guy who as soon as he saw us, he threw
is hands in the air and yelled, "HOW DO YOU GUYS KEEP FINDING ME!?!?" haha
I about peed my pants (or skirt I suppose) laughing at that man. Don't get
me wrong, we see miracles from talking to anyone and everyone every single
day, but you also come across a lot of weirdos or just strait up unpleasant

Saturday absolutely everything fell through. So we decided to walk around
this neighborhood and talk to people that were outside. We came across the
sweetest little girl. I said hello and we kept walking, but then the mom
waved to us so we walked up to the house and started a conversation. After
a few minutes we showed her a short video and talked about the Savior. The
first question out of her mouth was how do I get to your church and when
are services? She said she had just moved down to Florida a few weeks ago
with her two kids and had been praying for something, but she didn't know
what. She wasn't able to come yesterday because she had to work, but she
said she would be there next week. :)  We had someone else just come into
church on Sunday. Her name is Hannah and she also has two kids. She said
she looked up the nearest church and after the meeting she was asking us
how she could be baptized!

There definitely is work going on here! Heavenly Father has prepared so
many people and they are just waiting for someone to open their mouth and
make the invitation. I'm definitely not saying it is a walk in the park by
any means, but it is worth it! Moral of the story being a missionary
(weather you have a name tag or not) is AWESOME!

I love you all! Stay safe and have a great week!

Love, Sister Upshaw

Sorry my email was lame today! Promise I will do better next week!

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