Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Why are y'all so happy!?" 9-29-14

We were talking to a member who hasn't been to church in a really long
time and after he asked us how we were doing we responded cheerfully
saying everything was amazing! He then responds with this, "Do they
give you guys pills or something? I don't think I have ever met a sad
missionary. Why are ya'll so happy!?"

hahah I have thought a lot about that this week. Why the heck am I so
happy? We have been talking a lot about the "light" that people see or
feel when they are around happy people. Christ is the light of the
world so the closer we get to Him the more His light will shine
through us. I literally can feel that light. It just makes me want to
burst with joy pretty much 24/7. Even when I do feel discouraged or
frustrated it doesn't last long because that light gives me hope. I
don't really know how to explain it, but I have seen it in people who
are already happy, but there is a physical change that takes place as
they add the gospel to their already happy life. It is a whole other
level of happiness! Man, I seriously have THE BEST JOB right now!

Most of you probably know my sweet dad had a heart attack last week,
but even though I was a little nervous I knew without a doubt he was
okay. I truly feel like our family was blessed and I am so grateful to
know that my Heavenly Father loves me enough to make sure that I knew
my dad would be fine. I know that He is so aware of all of us! HE
knows us by name and He loves us! Every single one of us! That right
there is enough to make me smile for days!

I thought I would share some excerpts from my quote book this week:

"SHE'S A WITCH!!!" (Liliana Martinez, 9 yr old girl, after I did a
trick with water and fire for the gospel of Jesus Christ lesson)

"Hey, are you free tomorrow?" -us
"No, but I'm real cheap." -Gordon

"Don't be an Indian giver!" -me to my Native American comp

Haha oops! The first one was so funny! The girl was dead serious!
After I did that trick she now thinks I am a legit witch and won't
talk to me... Lol

Well I love you all so so so much! Don't forget to watch conference
this weekend! Seriously guys. I promise that if you watch all four
sessions of conference there will be a talk that is specifically for
you! Come with a question in mind and then be amazed as it feels like
that person is addressing you and you alone. Without a doubt I know
you will feel the spirit behind their words and you will know they
truly are men and women called by God.

Have an amazing week!

Love, Sister Upshaw

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