Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

But why is gas only $2.67??? #HudsonHappy 11-10-14

Every few days our district leader or Zone leaders call to see how we are
 doing and Sister Yellow and I have come up with a response that explains
 our feelings perfectly. We are Hudson Happy! We have been seeing a steady
 increase in people to teach and people with a desire to be baptized. The
 members are catching the missionary spirit and are actually anxious to talk
 to us about their missionary efforts. Oh and our area is absolutely
 gorgeous! It is the perfect mix between city and country. So you see, this
 is why we are #HudsonHappy. It's a type of happiness that only serving in
 Hudson can provide. Haha on the real though... I love my area! Oh also, our
 gas prices here are sooooooo low! It has dropped an entire dollar in one
 month! Is it like that everywhere? Why are they so low? This is awesome!

 In other news... Last week we were asked to come in and teach the primary
 kids about faith. Of course we decided to tweak the lesson a bit and teach
 everyone in the room how to be missionaries. It was great! I was explaining
 something to the class when a little 4yr old boy covers his ears and kept
 repeating, "I didn't do it!" I didn't understand what he was doing until
 almost the end of class. Apparently my "Purdy family" voice came out and I
 was speaking quite loudly. The little boy thought I was yelling because he
 was in trouble! Whoops!

 This week we had Stake Conference and the Stake President was talking about
 an experience his daughter had a few weeks ago while serving her mission in
 the Philippines. She said she was sitting in a small home teaching an
 elderly woman when suddenly she thought to herself, "how the heck did I get
 here?" I laughed audibly as I had a flashback to my first area when I was
 biking to an appointment in a Florida rainstorm that soaked me through and
 through and then the pedal on my bike fell off. I had that same thought of,
 "how the heck did I end up in Florida biking in a rainstorm, in a skirt!?"
 Haha the answer that the Stake President's daughter had come to her is the
 same answer that came to me. She said that as she stared at this woman and
 asked herself how she ended up in that small home in a foreign place she
 heard these words, "because I love her." She knew that Heavenly Father was
 expressing his love for this elderly woman to that missionary. I have had
 that same confirmation come to me so many different times as I stand and
 bare testimony to perfect strangers. I truly have felt Gods love for the
 people here. I am so grateful for that.

 There is a quote from president Uchtdorf that Sister Yellow and I love!

  "For what we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we
 think and do. What we think and do determines who we are—and who we will

 Whatever aspect of life we want to improve in it all begins with where our
 heart is. In the context of being a missionary, it starts with loving the
 people and loving God. Really in life in general. If we turn our focus to
 loving God everything else will fall into place. President Uchtdorf talked
 about why God made the first and greatest commandment to love Him. It is
 not because he needs our love, but he knows that by loving Him and putting
 Him first, we will seek more wholesome things and become happier!

 We can all try this week to be just a little more loving in all that we do
 and say. I truly do love you all so much! Have an incredible week and stay

 -Sister Upshaw

 Also, birthday shout out to Nannon, Billy, and Abby! I love you all and
 sorry I am a week late Bill and Rhi!

 Pictures: missionary night with the activity day girls. (Pin the tie on the



 My MTC comp, sis Ormsby was in this months Ensign! Basically I know a
 famous person now.
 Oh and we now have a ridiculously large spider camping right outside our
 window... That thing is the size of my hand!

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