Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Jalapeño juice in the eye 11-3-14

This week was MUCH less crazy than last week! In fact it was rather
 calm here in the good ole FTM! Tuesday we had a meeting down in Gulf
 Port for all of the sisters in the mission. I think president realized
 that the stress level surrounding the sisters in the mission was
 substantially higher than that of the elders. Mostly because there
 have been a lot of changes implemented recently and the sisters freak
 out if they don't execute every new idea flawlessly. President
 basically told us to relax and be more like elders. Sister Yellow and
 I thought that was hilarious because this transfer every time we
 started getting down on ourselves or stressing out we just stopped and
 asked, "what would an elder do?" So far it has proved rather

 So sister Yellow and I have to give trainings to other missionaries
 every week at district meeting. This week we decided to do a little
 object lesson regarding the Spirit. We had a jalapeño and a grape. The
 grape represented the spirit and the jalapeño represented negative
 feelings that may block us from feeling the spirit. So for the object
 lesson we picked three volunteers and had them close their eyes (so
 they didn't know what we were giving them) and put both the jalapeño
 and the grape in their mouth at the same time. It was rather hilarious
 to see the reactions. We then asked which flavor was more prominent.
 Obviously it was the jalapeño. When we allow things like pride,
 frustration, anger, or whatever else into our hearts and mind, it
 becomes extremely difficult for the spirit to speak to us.

 This object lesson went perfectly in the first district, but in the
 second district we had a slight mishap… one of the sisters must have
 gotten a really hot part of the jalapeño and her eyes started
 watering. She then wiped her tears and got the juice from the pepper
 in her eye! Whoops! Without thinking I was like, "she will be fine."
 All the elders gasped and then burst out laughing because I sounded
 totally heartless. In an effort to redeem myself I said proudly,"I
 have faith. She will be fine." That didn't help my case much, but
 sister Klien totally had the best attitude about it and she was in
 deed okay! :)

 Transfers were this week and we are both staying! We are so excited! I
 love it her and we are pretty sure I will finish my mission here in
 Hudson with Sister Yellow. At least that is what we hope happens! All
 in all it was another incredible week here in the sunshine state. It
 was a little chilly for my FLORIDA blood, but it is warming back up so
 I think I will live.

 Love you!

It was cold enough to wear a scarf

Curry family

                                                Sawgrass Park in St. Petersburg

Of course she's in the tree

Trying to have a serious conversation on the phone

                                          Achievement Days activity that they helped in

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