Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Florida: Where the weather changes more times than a teenage girl before the first day of school. 11-24-14

She sent pictures of her mishap in the sand, but they weren't very clear.

In this weeks weather we had Arctic winds, torrential rains, 1
 beautiful day of sunshine and perfect 75 degree weather, and then the
 week ended with weather that makes me feel like I am a little
 vegetable being steamed until I am nice and soggy ready to be devoured
 by the onslaught of mosquitoes. Just another week in paradise! Lol
 really though it was a pretty crazy week by means of weather. At the
 beginning of the week I thought I was going to need to buy a a parka
 to keep warm and now I am thanking Heavenly Father for the blessed air
 conditioning in our car and apartment. :)

 Speaking of our car... I have a fun story to share. Monday night we
 were headed to an appointment, but we had never been to the house
 before. We were following the GPS and it took us down this sketchy one
 lane dirt road. It had rained pretty hard that day so we kept coming
 across puddles of water that we had to drive through. We almost
 decided to turn around, but since it was such a small road we chose to
 drive just a little farther to find a place we would be able to turn
 the car. All of a sudden the car started to fishtail because the sand
 was getting really soft. Sister Yellow kept telling me not to stop and
 to keep the wheel straight. I did that, but the car kept fishtailing and
 finally stopped when we hit a particularly soft patch of sand. We were
 literally in the middle of nowhere without a light in sight. We tried
 to dig the tires out and put the floor mats down for traction, but
 nothing helped. We ended up calling a member and they came and pulled
 us out. Turns out... We weren't the first people he ever had to pull
 out of that dirt road. They really should have a sign or something!

 With Thanksgiving coming up this week I have decided to be totally
 cliché and dedicate this email to the things that I am grateful for.

 This year I am especially grateful that for the entire year of 2014 I
 have been able to dedicate 100% of my time and energy to serving
 others. It's funny though... For some reason I have always looked
 forward to 2014 (probably because 14 is my favorite number). Two years
 ago I thought that 2014 would be the year I received my degree and
 would start teaching. I even imagined this would be the year I would
 be getting married to a certain boy I have grown pretty fond of. 😳
 None of that took place this year, but yet I feel like this year has
 been the most meaningful year of and for my life. I am beyond grateful
 for the things I have learned and am continuing to learn every day. I
 am so grateful for the people here who have become more like family
 and for the opportunities I have to watch people change as they
 Embrace the Savior and feel His love for them. I am grateful to my own
 family for the love that I feel from them every day. Honestly, I can
 feel your prayers. I am grateful to Mom for her sweet example and to
 Dad for his loving support even when it about killed him to let one of
 his daughters leave. Most of all I am grateful for my testimony. I
 know we have a loving Heavenly Father who wants to bless us. He has
 blessed me and my family so much in the past 16 months. I know Jesus
 Christ is the Savior of the world, but also He is my personal Savior.
 I know I'm not perfect, but I'm grateful he doesn't ask me to be. He
 only asks that we strive to become better and I know that I am doing
 all I can to do just that.

 I wish I could list all the things I am grateful for, but just naming
 all of my family members alone would take an eternity! #mormonproblems
 I hope you all have an incredible Thanksgiving! Oh and pray that I
 don't die from being fed way too much this Thursday. President told us
 to accept any invitation we received for Thanksgiving day and now we
 have 3 dinners planned... I am probably going to gain 20 lbs...

 Love always,
 Sister Upshaw

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