Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, November 24, 2014



 Do you remember that missionary-eating spider that was hanging out
 right outside the bedroom window in our apartment? (Refer to last
 weeks email) Well sometime last week a little white sac appeared under
 its belly and we were told that meant it was about to have baby
 spiders! We were not about to have that because we were positive those
 suckers would find a way into our apartment. So we took pictures and
 showed them to management. After a few good screams from various
 people in the office they all collectively decided that the best
 decision would be for us to open the window just enough to push the
 screen off. They said they would then come and replace the screen. So
 naturally I grabbed the broom ready to go Spartacus on that window
 screen/spider and Sister Yellow opened the window. We have a video
 depicting our very hilarious reactions. I am surprised no one called
 the police because we screamed as if someone was killing us. It was
 pretty epic, but alas the spider was defeated and now we have a new
 screen. :)

 Holy cow this was a glorious week! When I first came to this area my
 companion asked me what my goal was for my last 5 months. I prayed
 about it and decided I wanted to have the opportunity to bring one
 family into the gospel. I wanted to find them, teach them and be there
 for their baptism. About a month ago we found the Welch family. They
 have 5 kids and Mike and Kimmy are the parents. They are the best! We
 hadn't really been in contact with them for a while, until this week.
 We met with them this week and as we taught about the savior's baptism
 the spirit was so strong so we stopped and invited them to be
 baptized. They all said yes! The youngest one turns 8 on January 1st
 so they want to wait and all be baptized together so we set the date
 for January 3rd. 9 days before I go home! They will probably be the
 last baptism I am able to attend on my mission. Isn't that
 incredible!? Heavenly Father really does bless us with the desires of
 our heart! Ahhhh I love it!

 Oh man this week Heavenly Father chastised me a little bit. Actually
 he chastised me rather severely, but that is besides the point. I just
 had this overwhelming feeling that he felt I was being extremely
 prideful. He reminded me this is his work and not mine. For a second I
 felt a little overwhelmed and discouraged, but then I read this
 scripture, "Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you whom I love, and whom
 I love I also chasten that their sins may be forgiven, for with the
 chastisement I prepare a way for their deliverance in all things out
 of temptation, and I have loved you-"
 D&C 95:1
 After reading that I truly felt an increase of God's love for me. He
 corrects us because he loves us. And I truly feel humbled. In all
 honesty I feel like I have felt the spirit 10X more powerfully in the
 last 24 hours than I have in the last 4 months. The Spirit changes us
 if we allow Him to.

 Have a great week! I love you!

 -Sister Upshaw

   "Stop, Hudson Sisters!" #CoolestStreetSignEver

 Pics: we were helping the elder's investigator find baptismal clothes
 and I couldn't help myself when I saw this beauty!

 Everyone here has really cool mailboxes... For example...
Their Missionary eating spider

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