Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒA week in the life of the Hudson sisters! πŸŠπŸ˜ΊπŸ’‚πŸ«πŸͺ🚫🚬 12-8-14

 I hope you all were able to see the emojis in the subject line of this
 email because they are such an accurate depiction of the events that
 took place this week!

 Holy mackerel I found a Lindor Truffle the size of my HEAD this week!
 (See end of this email for picture...) of course I bought it because
 as 99.9% of you know I LOVE LINDOR TRUFFLES! It is actually a bowl
 inside that wrapper with 40 normal sized chocolates, but it was still
 heaven! Also... I ate the whole thing pretty much by myself this week.
 #BestChocolateEver #SpiritOfGluteny

 As if that discovery wasn't enough of a miracle, we had an incredible
 experience with D and The D family. Remember last week
 how N promised he would come to church and that nothing would stop
 him? Well he and his entire family were at church! His mom and the
 three other kids all came and they absolutely loved it! His mom and I
 were talking before church and she was telling me about how hard it
 had been for them in the past and how strained their family
 relationship had been. I asked her how she had overcome that and after
 thinking about it she said, "honestly, it has been since Nick has been
 meeting with you guys." She said he has changed and that has made her
 want to change. They both pray every night and sometimes they even
 pray altogether as a family!

 The next miracle definitely strengthened my testimony of modern day
 miracles. D is getting baptized next week! She is so excited, but
 she was struggling with giving up smoking 100%. She asked for a
 blessing. We had the elders and a ward member go over, but we had
 another appointment so we only heard from her how it went when we saw
 her the following day. She just said that she had never felt anything
 like that before. As soon as she said that, I felt such gratitude for
 priesthood authority. I testified that she felt the power of God in
 that blessing. That is exactly what the priesthood is. We checked in
 with her the next day to see how she was doing and she told us she had
 completely given up smoking. She felt tempted to smoke one, but as
 soon as she picked it up she said she felt sick instantly! She is
 officially smoke free! Ahhhh I am so excited for her.

 In other news... I heard from the Sister Skeem who heard from the
 sisters in my last area and this is the incredible update I received
 from her.

 Paula, the sweetest lady alive, was baptized last week and so
 was Sophia! Sophia was the 9yr old girl in my favorite Colombian
 family! :)

 Oh and there was a man we taught who was inactive and then became
 active and he was just called to serve in the bishopric! Ahhhh so many
 miracles! It was such a blessing to get that update from Sister Skeem
 because I was just thinking about how hard it is to not always get to
 see the end result of what we do as missionaries. I don't know how to
 fully explain that thought, but sometimes I just wish I could stay
 with the same people my whole mission instead of moving around. It
 just made me remember how much God loves me that he answered my prayer
 to know that my efforts are never wasted. I love this gospel and I
 love this mission!

 I love you all and can't wait to see you again soon! :)

 -Sister Upshaw

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