Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I keep trying to type this email, but the only tho 12-29-14

I keep trying to type this email, but the only thoughts that are 
coming to my mind are "hmmmmmm" and "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" yup that about 
sums up my week and my thoughts. Well I love you all and hope you had 
a wonderful Christmas! 
Love always, 
 sister Upshaw 
Just kidding, but seriously this last week has been a complete blur 
and I may be having a slight anxiety attack at the thought of coming 
home in two weeks... Is that normal? I promise I love you all and I am 
excited to see you, but.... Ahhhhhhhhh I'm just nuts! 
On another note... Christmas was incredible! Skyping our families took 
up a good portion of the day because the church's wifi only allowed 
for one person to Skype at a time. Whenever a second person tried it 
messed up the connection, but that is okay. It was fun to talk to both 
sister Blain's and sister Yellow's families. We spent the rest of the 
day visiting people who we knew were alone on the holiday. It was 
another incredible mission Christmas. :) 
Oh and the Welch family came to church! The kids were all crying 
because they had to leave early. How cool is that to have kids be so 
upset about leaving church that they cry!? I seriously love them so 
much! So far everything is still on track for their baptism on January 
10th, but I would absolutely love it if you kept them in your prayers. 
Goodness we seriously have been having so much success lately. 
Yesterday we had no appointments so we literally walked for three 
hours and just talked to people that were outside. Almost everyone 
listened to us and even the people who didn't were still nice about 
it. We had one guy that we gave a card to and he very quickly ended 
any opportunity for a conversation, but as we walked away he called 
after us and said, "ladies, I just want you to know that if God could 
have chosen anyone to represent Him, then He made a wise choice in 
picking you." It just made my day! I guess the spirit of Christmas is 
getting to people, but this has been one of the best transfers of my 
I absolutely love being a missionary! I love everything about it. Even 
the days that absolutely no one gives you the time of day or when 
adults push their children away from the absolutely 'horrifying girls 
in their 20's that approach their families with a friendly smile.' 
Seriously though sometimes I feel like some people think We are mass 
murderers or something.... The point is I just love everything about 
Florida and the people here. 
I love the people in Vegas too! Have a wonderful week and a happy New Year! 
Sista Upshaw 
Oh we also got a hug from a Jehovah's Witness! She thought I was one 
too and when she saw the badge she had a look of sheer horror! It was 
a little funny, but we talked for quite a while and I think she left 
the conversation not hating us so that's a plus! 

                                              Teaching the kids how to make ugly faces

                                                               Skyping with family

                                                              Some of the siblings
                                                               Nieces and nephews
                        Playing Qua at a district meeting

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