Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Friday, December 19, 2014


 Jamming crickets this was a great week!

 We had our mission Christmas party this week! It was a blast to spend the
 whole day at the beach! We made a sand man, complete with a seaweed scarf
 and seashell eyes and a Mohawk! President just laughed at us... I seriously
 love the beach. I promise my mission isn't a vacation! This was one day out
 of the 365 we have in a year. (Wow I just had to double check that there
 were in fact 365 days in a year) #WhyWontMyBrainWork

 Thursday we had interviews with President Cusick. Interviews with him are
 always the best! He started off our interview by asking,"what can I do for
 you Sister Upshaw? If I had a magic wand or was a genie and you had one
 wish what would it be?" It made me laugh so hard because typically he is a
 pretty stoic man. I can't tell you what I wished for though because then it
 won't come true! Later in the interview he asked me if I could go anywhere
 in the mission where would I want to go... I told him I would want to stay
 exactly where I am with the companions I have because I love my area and my
 companionship, then he just looked at me and said, "you love all your areas
 and every companion..." It's pretty true, but I don't want to change it up
 for the last 4 weeks of my mission! I told him I would be happy wherever he
 decided to send me though, but we received our transfer information Sunday
 night and all three of us are staying! Yay!

 Saturday was Debbie's baptism and it was the most perfect baptism
 ever! We had so many members come out to support her and the talks and
 songs were perfect and she felt so loved! Ahhh it was just the best! One
 year ago her roommate Pat was baptized and Debbie has been meeting
 with missionaries off and on for a year now. At the baptism their third
 roommate came and she absolutely loved it! Her name is Sue and quite
 frankly she was pretty sure Mormons were a cult until she came to the
 baptism. She loved the way the speakers used the Book of Mormon and the
 bible together and how they truly go hand in hand. She said it was
 completely different from anything she had ever felt before. Her heart
 definitely softened and she is interested in learning more. Oh and Debbie's
 favorite song is "Ave Maria" so my incredible companion, Sister Blain, who
 sings like an angel, surprised her with singing that song acapella! It
 was all around just an incredible day!

 So much more happened, but I am going to refrain from making my email long
 and boring. Just know that miracles happen every day! Here in Florida and
 with each of mine and my companions families!

 Something I finally got through my head this week was that the most
 important thing we can do as missionaries and in life in general is to
 develop Christlike attributes. If we are striving to follow His example
 then everything else just falls into place. God doesn't expect perfection.
 He loves each of us so stink'n much! I hope everyone is having an amazing
 Christmas season. Don't get too caught up in all the craziness.

 I love you all!

 -Sister Upshaw

                             Merry Christmas from Sis. Upshaw, Sis. Yellow and Sis. Blain


Oh and at the baptism they forgot to pull the plug on the drain as they
 were getting out so Sister Blain had to put on one of the jumpsuits and get
 in to drain the font! IT WAS SO FUNNY!!
                                        Christmas Party on the beach

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