Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, December 1, 2014

Scorpion Sucker 12-1-14

 Okay so Thursday was our P-day so today I only have a really short
 amount of time to email. So sorry in advance, but I guess it works out
 seeing as Danae is the only ones that sent me an email today! (for some reason my email never sent) *Cough
 This week has been CRAZY! Tuesday it poured rain and we had decided to
 go finding in a nearby park. Well long story short we ended up walking
 about an hour north of our apartment and then it poured rain and we
 looked like little pathetic cats after a bath. We knocked on a members
 door and she took us home to get dried off. I have pictures, but don't
 have time to upload them...

 Wednesday we received a new companion! We are a trio! I am so excited.
 Her name is sister Blain and she is fantastic! #bornInATrio

 Thursday was Thanksgiving! President moved our P-day to Thursday
 because he wanted us to spend the Holiday with members and to just
 relax. So we spent it with the Carroll's and we went out to the train
 park and rode the train! Again, I have pictures, but I will send them
 next week.

 Coolest experience of the week.... We have this investigator who is
 preparing for baptism. His name is Nick. Nick is awesome and is always
 talking about how badly he wants to be baptized and how much he wants
 to come to church, but when Sunday roles around he always has some
 reason why he can't go. We decided that maybe he wasn't really as
 interested as we thought so we were going to stop meeting with him. We
 decided to go one more time. As we taught we talked a lot about the
 importance of church and how we feel the Spirit there. The lesson went
 so well, but when we invited him again to come to church he said, he
 would "try". I wasn't convinced. I offered the closing prayer and in
 it prayed that Nick and his family would have the desire and the way
 to come to church this Sunday. As soon as we said amen he looks up and
 says, "you know what? I am going to church this week! As you were
 praying I just knew we all need to go. We WILL be there. I'm a TANK
 nothing is going to stop me!" Ahhhhh we biked away and I was so happy
 I danced on my bike all the way home!

 On a less spiritual level of coolness I ate a sucker with a scorpion
 inside of it! (This I do have pictures of) I couldn't get myself to
 put the scorpion in my mouth, but here are the attempts at doing so...

 I love you all and hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

 Picture number one is of me after a crazy day... I'm pretty sure I
 have lost any shred of sanity I once possessed...

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