Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, December 30, 2013

This. week. was. AWESOME!

 I hope everyone had a glorious Christmas! I sure did! I loved being able to
 Skype with you guys. I miss all of our dorky conversations. I am teaching
 my companions gibberish though so that helps a bit! haha Seriously though
 it was great to see you all. I got Dylan's email today and My Christmas was
 pretty similar to his. He killed a goat... I ate a goat. He spent it with a
 family from Africa...So did I! That was pretty much all the similarities I
 could come up with...

 Alyssa was baptized on Saturday! That is awesome! We have had so many
 changes in our family this year. I can't even explain how blown away I am
 at Heavenly father's love for the Upshaw family!

 Something I forgot to tell you about was Christmas Eve! We had dinner with
 a member in our ward and one of our investigators. during dinner we talked
 about all of our family traditions. I told them about our tradition of
 reading in Luke chapter 2 and setting the Nativity as we go. Next thing I
 know the Dad comes out with this giant nativity and his scriptures and
 says, "lets do this Christmas Eve right for Sister Upshaw:" I started to
 tear up as we all picked out our pieces and he started to read. I just kept
 thinking of how tender the Lord is. He knew I was missing my sweet Daddy
 that night and I was particularly bummed about not getting to hear him read
 the account of our saviors birth. It wasn't quite the same, but it
 definitely reminded me of how aware my Heavenly Father is of me and how
 much he loves me.

 I hope everyone was able to feel the spirit of Christmas this year. I read
 a sign yesterday that said, "wise men still seek Christ." I like that. Even
 though Christmas is over we can still have the spirit of it as we learn to
 lean more on our Savior.

 Much love,

 Sister Upshaw

Below are a few pictures from their Zone Christmas Party.

Sis. Peterson, Sis. Upshaw and Sis. Kunz in the background

Some of the Missionaries

I think this is the Gibsonia area missionaries

Sis. Upshaw, Sis. Kunz and Sis. Peterson (Chelsea's companions now, they are in a trio)

Sis. Nebeker and Sis. Upshaw

Sis. Kunz, Sis. Upshaw and Sis. Nebeker (her previous companion)

This is the "sandman" they made since they couldn't make a snowman

Chelsea told me that she will send me her sd card so I can print pictures.  She said she took a bunch of them on the beach.  I'll post more as soon as she sends it.  Chelsea is loving her time in Florida serving the people in her area.

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