Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, December 30, 2013

This. week. was. AWESOME!

 I hope everyone had a glorious Christmas! I sure did! I loved being able to
 Skype with you guys. I miss all of our dorky conversations. I am teaching
 my companions gibberish though so that helps a bit! haha Seriously though
 it was great to see you all. I got Dylan's email today and My Christmas was
 pretty similar to his. He killed a goat... I ate a goat. He spent it with a
 family from Africa...So did I! That was pretty much all the similarities I
 could come up with...

 Alyssa was baptized on Saturday! That is awesome! We have had so many
 changes in our family this year. I can't even explain how blown away I am
 at Heavenly father's love for the Upshaw family!

 Something I forgot to tell you about was Christmas Eve! We had dinner with
 a member in our ward and one of our investigators. during dinner we talked
 about all of our family traditions. I told them about our tradition of
 reading in Luke chapter 2 and setting the Nativity as we go. Next thing I
 know the Dad comes out with this giant nativity and his scriptures and
 says, "lets do this Christmas Eve right for Sister Upshaw:" I started to
 tear up as we all picked out our pieces and he started to read. I just kept
 thinking of how tender the Lord is. He knew I was missing my sweet Daddy
 that night and I was particularly bummed about not getting to hear him read
 the account of our saviors birth. It wasn't quite the same, but it
 definitely reminded me of how aware my Heavenly Father is of me and how
 much he loves me.

 I hope everyone was able to feel the spirit of Christmas this year. I read
 a sign yesterday that said, "wise men still seek Christ." I like that. Even
 though Christmas is over we can still have the spirit of it as we learn to
 lean more on our Savior.

 Much love,

 Sister Upshaw

Below are a few pictures from their Zone Christmas Party.

Sis. Peterson, Sis. Upshaw and Sis. Kunz in the background

Some of the Missionaries

I think this is the Gibsonia area missionaries

Sis. Upshaw, Sis. Kunz and Sis. Peterson (Chelsea's companions now, they are in a trio)

Sis. Nebeker and Sis. Upshaw

Sis. Kunz, Sis. Upshaw and Sis. Nebeker (her previous companion)

This is the "sandman" they made since they couldn't make a snowman

Chelsea told me that she will send me her sd card so I can print pictures.  She said she took a bunch of them on the beach.  I'll post more as soon as she sends it.  Chelsea is loving her time in Florida serving the people in her area.

Monday, December 16, 2013

85 degrees and snowing!

Hello Hello! Hope you all had a stupendously awesome week! (Is that even a thing?) This week has been kind of nutso! Sister Peterson and received our new companera on Tuesday. She is absolutely amazing! Her name is sister Kunz, she is from Northern Utah, 20, and loves long walks on the beach. Dumb joke... Anywhoo seriously she is wonderful! She pretty much came pre-trained. She is a spaz though! haha She fits in well! Later that night we were informed  that Sister Peterson and I were now sister training leaders. The following morning we gave a training in Zone meeting and the AP's just so happened to be there! The next day we did an exchange and then Saturday we had our ward Christmas party! Seriously, It was a wonderfully insane week!
It is kind of hard to believe Christmas is in 9 days... This morning we decorated a palm frond (sp). haha Next week we are going to the Beach as a mission and I am stoked to make a "Sand" man! Christmas in Florida. Whoo! Although it doesn't quite feel like the Christmas I am use to I do have to say this has been one of the most meaningful Christmas seasons I have ever experienced. There is so much good in people and I feel like we are put right in the middle of all these absolutely amazing Christlike, selfless people. 
Yesterday we went to visit a family in our ward. They live in a trailer and circumstances aren't "ideal". We pulled up and the granddaughter comes running out. She told us that they had some guests. We were welcome to come in, but she just wanted to let us know. So we go inside and find out that they had invited this homeless couple they met earlier for dinner. They let them shower and then offered them a place to stay for the night. This family really doesn't have much to give. They don't have a lot of food or a lot of room. The granddaughter had given the lady a few really nice sweaters and was so ecstatic to do it. It hit me kind of hard. This family really doesn't have much, but they are willing to give of what little they do have. I have heard experiences like this before, but experiencing it is something different. Like, it really does happen! They get it! They understand Christmas! When I grow I want to be like that 15 yr-old girl. bahhh I still have so much to learn! 
 If you are having a hard time getting into the spirit of Christmas, try dropping the last syllable and get into the spirit of Christ. I love you all so much and I hope you have an amazing week!

Sister Upshaw

p.s. I forgot to explain my title... This is awkward... Long story short Sister P's Parents sent her fake snow an we had a blast with it in the blazing heat!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The calendar says it's December, but I don't think Florida got the memo...

This week the town next to where I am, broke the record as the hottest place in all of the US! My companion and I have come to the conclusion that all the heat from the rest of the country was sucked out and deposited here. We are kind of dying... OOH SOMEONE JUST GAVE ME A DOUGHNUT! It's a Christmas miracle! Kay I no longer care that I am dying of heat stroke in December. People are great! Anywhoo, this week was great! We found out on Saturday that we are becoming a trio! We are getting a shiny new missionary! I am so excited! We also found out that we are going full car which is pretty wonderful news if I do say so myself. Hello Holiday weight gain! Just kidding! President told me and my companion not to gain weight. It was in a loving/ slightly humorous way, but now every time we talk about obedience sister Peterson and I weigh ourselves. If we are gaining weight then we aren't being obedient! haha
I hope everyone had the chance to watch the Christmas devotional last night. If not, have no fear! It is online and you can watch it over and over and over again! Honestly, I loved it. It helped me understand my purpose as a missionary better. As a missionary it is easy to be apart of the true meaning of Christmas. I mean I spend every second of every day teaching/ studying about Christ. I have no time to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas. During the devotional one of the speakers asked what we were going to give to Christ this season. I don't know why giving Christ a gift for HIS birthday never occurred to me... probably because I have a hard head and I am sure I didn't let it sink in when my parents told me to do that each and every Christmas..At first I had the thought that I am giving Him a gift already by serving a mission, but I decided that really doesn't count. So I haven't figured it out yet, but I am trying to think of what it is I want to "give" Christ. What are you giving Christ? I love you all so very much! I hope you enjoy the cold weather! Send some my way ya? 

Love always,

Sister Upshaw

P.s. Lyssa, I want you to know how proud I am of your decision to be baptized! More importantly, Heavenly father is proud of you. I wish I could be there, but just know that I love you and have just the biggest smile on my face right now! Keep being the great example that you are! Love, Aunt Chelsea!

Pictures of Chelsea, Sis. Peterson and their new companion

Thanksgiving Misadventures!

Happy Late Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all had delicious food and ate till your pants didn't fit! Thursday was a little different for my companion and I. She came down with the Flu that morning, poor girl. We had a dinner appointment with a young couple in the ward who has the cutest daughter! We didn't want to miss it, but sister Peterson could hardly move without tossing cookies so another set of sisters came over. One went with me to the dinner and the other stayed with Sister P. The next day she started feeling better, but I was pretty much dead! Finally on Saturday we both felt well enough to make it out of the apartment, but we were still pretty slow. Being stuck in the apartment for two days sure makes you appreciate being able to walk without hurling! Seriously though. I hope to never spend another day in the apartment ever again! Despite getting sick this week was so stinkn' wonderful!
Okay so (I can't believe I started a sentence with"okay so" Rhi would kill me...) Anyway...This week it seemed like absolutely EVERYONE was going through crazy terrible things! We were having all this progress with so many people and then their worlds turned upside down. With all these other things to deal with they each felt like meeting with the missionaries wasn't a priority. Man Satan is such a little brat! So Sunday came around and we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of a few investigators when in comes G!! ahhh I just love that man! He is so much like PaPa and I just adore him! This man has had so many health issues that have kept him from getting to church in the past. Then in a lesson this past week he was more determined then ever to come to church. We assumed that he had woke up feeling fine and that is why he decided to come, but he said that particular morning he felt awful. Worse than he had in a while. The difference was that he had made the decision he was going to come no matter what! Church was amazing! It was exactly what he needed! We showed him the baptismal font and he wants to be baptized next Sunday! Holy cow I can't believe it! It just goes to show how hard Satan works on us to keep us from doing something wonderful. So if you are trying to do something good and it seems like everything is working against you remember there is opposition in all things. Satan is miserable and would do anything to keep us from being happy! grrr That ends my rant against Satan. haha I love you all so very much! Have a great week!
Sister Upshaw!
p.s. I hope you can make sense of my rambling about Satan!

I don't have a clever tittle this week so.... Awkward Potato?

Another bike week full of crazy adventures and bi-polar weather! Seriously Wednesday afternoon it was nice and sunny when we left our apartment and then about 10 minutes in we notice it is getting a little dark out, but not a cloud in sight right!? Then we stopped at a light and I looked back at sister Peterson. There was a ridiculous treacherous looking cloud coming at us! We started biking as fast as we could, but we didn't stand a chance... We were dying laughing as the rain soaked us. Then we hear someone yelling "Sisters!" I tried to stop, but my bike decided to trip out (always blame the bike) and somehow I fell over. Like strait just fell over. I didn't even try to stop it! Goodness, it was stinkn' hilarious! Anyway it was a member from another ward and she gave us a ride to our appointment. She probably thought I was insane, but then I told her I was from Vegas and I'm sure that cleared up any confusion! (Everyone here thinks Vegas is.. well...Sin City I suppose...) I always try to justify it by saying, "We have a temple there!" I don't know why...It seems like it should make it better? haha 
We have started with the whole Facebook thing. It is kind of different trying to teach people via FB, but I'm sure we will figure it out. Sorry I don't have much else to say on that one.. We are starting to understand how to make it effective so maybe I can share more next week? On that note. I can only add siblings and parents. It about killed me when I had to deny Kelsey's friend request!
Hmmm... Before I email on Mondays I always try to pray about what it is that I can share that will help someone back home. Whether it is a scripture I read or some spiritual epiphany ("can you even spell epiphany?" *inside joke sorry... I'm pretty sure I have ADD. Mom should have had me tested. Anyway...) I had throughout that week. However today I can't really think of one thing in particular that is really spiritual so bare with me as I try to explain a thought I had while biking the other day.
One day this past week for some reason was just crazy stressful. Due to poor planning we were going to be late to a dinner appointment (so I was hungry...We all know Upshaw's aren't pleasent when hungry) Anyway we were biking like crazy, trying to call people for rides (not at the same time) and sister Peterson and I had kind of snapped at each other. So I'm biking as fast as I can and I realized I just felt grumpy. Not quite angry, but it wasn't pleasant. I knew there was no way I could teach a lesson feeling that way. For the first time on my mission I didn't feel like praying. It was so silly! I said a quick silent prayer just asking for help to be happy. Nothing happened! I still felt grumpy. Then something I studied came to mind basically saying faith without works is dead. I couldn't just ask for my circumstances to change without being willing to do anything. So I decided I would just try to smile. I seriously felt ridiculous, but then I noticed I felt a little better so I started to hum a hymn. By the time we got to our appointment I was in a fabulous mood and we had a wonderful lesson! We can't expect Heavenly father to just fix things in our lives without us being willing to do anything. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have each morning to study the scriptures so that when I do have moments like that the Holy Ghost can remind me of things I already know and help me understand how with God's help I can do it on my own. I love yo all so very much. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember what this time of year is all about!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw

Winter in Florida = 95 degrees with 90% Humidity

Holy kryptonite (sp) Superman! This week has been absolutely insane! Sister Peterson and I have been all over Florida! (Not really we just had to go to Tampa and Winter Haven). So Thursday we had interviews with President which I am so very grateful for. He helped me realize that I was falling short on some of the most simplest of things and that is why maybe other things weren't going the way I felt they should. It reminded me of something as simple as our faith. If we aren't doing the simple things like reading our scriptures, praying and going to church then do we really expect our testimonies to grow? Or to even gain a testimony of the gospel at all? I hope that makes sense? I'm typing fast and my mind is kind of in like 30 places at the moment.... Anyway, The day after interviews we had a meeting in Tampa about online proselyting! There were about 25 missionaries invited to be in this trial group. It was mostly mission leaders. Sister Peterson and I still can't figure out why we were invited... Not that we aren't good missionaries, but I definitely could think of quite a few missionaries who deserve the privilege a little more. Regardless I am so excited! There are so many people we will be able to reach now that before were pretty much unreachable. President always says, "We are not here to maintain the work, We are here to hasten it." and Facebook is going to help us do it! haha This is a great time to be a missionary! However, as of right now it is just a trial thing so we aren't really doing much with it, but it will be great when we can! It's kind of funny though because online proselyting is in no way a new thing. So many other missions have been doing it for years, but the FTM is a little behind. Apparently the obedience level here hasn't always been the greatest, but that's changing now!
Now all that was great and all, but the absolute highlight of my week was a lesson we had with one of our investigators. He is the sweetest old man and his greatest fear is to die without being prepared. He has health issues that are preventing him from being baptized right now, but during our lesson we told him we were going to fast so we might know a day that he could be healthy enough to be baptized by and he started to cry. This man has such great faith that he knew he would be fine and trusts that the Lord will answer our prayers. Goodness I want to grow up and just be like G! 

We also heard on Sunday about the disaster over in the Philippines. It was devastating to hear about, but I couldn't help being relieved when they said that every single missionary was accounted for. People have been flooding us with stories of various missionaries exercising their great faith. It just shows how protected we truly are. I wish I had time to share some of those with you, but I am sure you can find them online. I love you all so much and am so very grateful for your emails and letters. You mean the world to me! 

Much love, 

Sister Upshaw