Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thanksgiving Misadventures!

Happy Late Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all had delicious food and ate till your pants didn't fit! Thursday was a little different for my companion and I. She came down with the Flu that morning, poor girl. We had a dinner appointment with a young couple in the ward who has the cutest daughter! We didn't want to miss it, but sister Peterson could hardly move without tossing cookies so another set of sisters came over. One went with me to the dinner and the other stayed with Sister P. The next day she started feeling better, but I was pretty much dead! Finally on Saturday we both felt well enough to make it out of the apartment, but we were still pretty slow. Being stuck in the apartment for two days sure makes you appreciate being able to walk without hurling! Seriously though. I hope to never spend another day in the apartment ever again! Despite getting sick this week was so stinkn' wonderful!
Okay so (I can't believe I started a sentence with"okay so" Rhi would kill me...) Anyway...This week it seemed like absolutely EVERYONE was going through crazy terrible things! We were having all this progress with so many people and then their worlds turned upside down. With all these other things to deal with they each felt like meeting with the missionaries wasn't a priority. Man Satan is such a little brat! So Sunday came around and we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of a few investigators when in comes G!! ahhh I just love that man! He is so much like PaPa and I just adore him! This man has had so many health issues that have kept him from getting to church in the past. Then in a lesson this past week he was more determined then ever to come to church. We assumed that he had woke up feeling fine and that is why he decided to come, but he said that particular morning he felt awful. Worse than he had in a while. The difference was that he had made the decision he was going to come no matter what! Church was amazing! It was exactly what he needed! We showed him the baptismal font and he wants to be baptized next Sunday! Holy cow I can't believe it! It just goes to show how hard Satan works on us to keep us from doing something wonderful. So if you are trying to do something good and it seems like everything is working against you remember there is opposition in all things. Satan is miserable and would do anything to keep us from being happy! grrr That ends my rant against Satan. haha I love you all so very much! Have a great week!
Sister Upshaw!
p.s. I hope you can make sense of my rambling about Satan!

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