Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I don't have a clever tittle this week so.... Awkward Potato?

Another bike week full of crazy adventures and bi-polar weather! Seriously Wednesday afternoon it was nice and sunny when we left our apartment and then about 10 minutes in we notice it is getting a little dark out, but not a cloud in sight right!? Then we stopped at a light and I looked back at sister Peterson. There was a ridiculous treacherous looking cloud coming at us! We started biking as fast as we could, but we didn't stand a chance... We were dying laughing as the rain soaked us. Then we hear someone yelling "Sisters!" I tried to stop, but my bike decided to trip out (always blame the bike) and somehow I fell over. Like strait just fell over. I didn't even try to stop it! Goodness, it was stinkn' hilarious! Anyway it was a member from another ward and she gave us a ride to our appointment. She probably thought I was insane, but then I told her I was from Vegas and I'm sure that cleared up any confusion! (Everyone here thinks Vegas is.. well...Sin City I suppose...) I always try to justify it by saying, "We have a temple there!" I don't know why...It seems like it should make it better? haha 
We have started with the whole Facebook thing. It is kind of different trying to teach people via FB, but I'm sure we will figure it out. Sorry I don't have much else to say on that one.. We are starting to understand how to make it effective so maybe I can share more next week? On that note. I can only add siblings and parents. It about killed me when I had to deny Kelsey's friend request!
Hmmm... Before I email on Mondays I always try to pray about what it is that I can share that will help someone back home. Whether it is a scripture I read or some spiritual epiphany ("can you even spell epiphany?" *inside joke sorry... I'm pretty sure I have ADD. Mom should have had me tested. Anyway...) I had throughout that week. However today I can't really think of one thing in particular that is really spiritual so bare with me as I try to explain a thought I had while biking the other day.
One day this past week for some reason was just crazy stressful. Due to poor planning we were going to be late to a dinner appointment (so I was hungry...We all know Upshaw's aren't pleasent when hungry) Anyway we were biking like crazy, trying to call people for rides (not at the same time) and sister Peterson and I had kind of snapped at each other. So I'm biking as fast as I can and I realized I just felt grumpy. Not quite angry, but it wasn't pleasant. I knew there was no way I could teach a lesson feeling that way. For the first time on my mission I didn't feel like praying. It was so silly! I said a quick silent prayer just asking for help to be happy. Nothing happened! I still felt grumpy. Then something I studied came to mind basically saying faith without works is dead. I couldn't just ask for my circumstances to change without being willing to do anything. So I decided I would just try to smile. I seriously felt ridiculous, but then I noticed I felt a little better so I started to hum a hymn. By the time we got to our appointment I was in a fabulous mood and we had a wonderful lesson! We can't expect Heavenly father to just fix things in our lives without us being willing to do anything. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have each morning to study the scriptures so that when I do have moments like that the Holy Ghost can remind me of things I already know and help me understand how with God's help I can do it on my own. I love yo all so very much. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember what this time of year is all about!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw

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