Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Monday, December 16, 2013

85 degrees and snowing!

Hello Hello! Hope you all had a stupendously awesome week! (Is that even a thing?) This week has been kind of nutso! Sister Peterson and received our new companera on Tuesday. She is absolutely amazing! Her name is sister Kunz, she is from Northern Utah, 20, and loves long walks on the beach. Dumb joke... Anywhoo seriously she is wonderful! She pretty much came pre-trained. She is a spaz though! haha She fits in well! Later that night we were informed  that Sister Peterson and I were now sister training leaders. The following morning we gave a training in Zone meeting and the AP's just so happened to be there! The next day we did an exchange and then Saturday we had our ward Christmas party! Seriously, It was a wonderfully insane week!
It is kind of hard to believe Christmas is in 9 days... This morning we decorated a palm frond (sp). haha Next week we are going to the Beach as a mission and I am stoked to make a "Sand" man! Christmas in Florida. Whoo! Although it doesn't quite feel like the Christmas I am use to I do have to say this has been one of the most meaningful Christmas seasons I have ever experienced. There is so much good in people and I feel like we are put right in the middle of all these absolutely amazing Christlike, selfless people. 
Yesterday we went to visit a family in our ward. They live in a trailer and circumstances aren't "ideal". We pulled up and the granddaughter comes running out. She told us that they had some guests. We were welcome to come in, but she just wanted to let us know. So we go inside and find out that they had invited this homeless couple they met earlier for dinner. They let them shower and then offered them a place to stay for the night. This family really doesn't have much to give. They don't have a lot of food or a lot of room. The granddaughter had given the lady a few really nice sweaters and was so ecstatic to do it. It hit me kind of hard. This family really doesn't have much, but they are willing to give of what little they do have. I have heard experiences like this before, but experiencing it is something different. Like, it really does happen! They get it! They understand Christmas! When I grow I want to be like that 15 yr-old girl. bahhh I still have so much to learn! 
 If you are having a hard time getting into the spirit of Christmas, try dropping the last syllable and get into the spirit of Christ. I love you all so much and I hope you have an amazing week!

Sister Upshaw

p.s. I forgot to explain my title... This is awkward... Long story short Sister P's Parents sent her fake snow an we had a blast with it in the blazing heat!

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