Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Winter in Florida = 95 degrees with 90% Humidity

Holy kryptonite (sp) Superman! This week has been absolutely insane! Sister Peterson and I have been all over Florida! (Not really we just had to go to Tampa and Winter Haven). So Thursday we had interviews with President which I am so very grateful for. He helped me realize that I was falling short on some of the most simplest of things and that is why maybe other things weren't going the way I felt they should. It reminded me of something as simple as our faith. If we aren't doing the simple things like reading our scriptures, praying and going to church then do we really expect our testimonies to grow? Or to even gain a testimony of the gospel at all? I hope that makes sense? I'm typing fast and my mind is kind of in like 30 places at the moment.... Anyway, The day after interviews we had a meeting in Tampa about online proselyting! There were about 25 missionaries invited to be in this trial group. It was mostly mission leaders. Sister Peterson and I still can't figure out why we were invited... Not that we aren't good missionaries, but I definitely could think of quite a few missionaries who deserve the privilege a little more. Regardless I am so excited! There are so many people we will be able to reach now that before were pretty much unreachable. President always says, "We are not here to maintain the work, We are here to hasten it." and Facebook is going to help us do it! haha This is a great time to be a missionary! However, as of right now it is just a trial thing so we aren't really doing much with it, but it will be great when we can! It's kind of funny though because online proselyting is in no way a new thing. So many other missions have been doing it for years, but the FTM is a little behind. Apparently the obedience level here hasn't always been the greatest, but that's changing now!
Now all that was great and all, but the absolute highlight of my week was a lesson we had with one of our investigators. He is the sweetest old man and his greatest fear is to die without being prepared. He has health issues that are preventing him from being baptized right now, but during our lesson we told him we were going to fast so we might know a day that he could be healthy enough to be baptized by and he started to cry. This man has such great faith that he knew he would be fine and trusts that the Lord will answer our prayers. Goodness I want to grow up and just be like G! 

We also heard on Sunday about the disaster over in the Philippines. It was devastating to hear about, but I couldn't help being relieved when they said that every single missionary was accounted for. People have been flooding us with stories of various missionaries exercising their great faith. It just shows how protected we truly are. I wish I had time to share some of those with you, but I am sure you can find them online. I love you all so much and am so very grateful for your emails and letters. You mean the world to me! 

Much love, 

Sister Upshaw

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