Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Miracles Galore!! 11/12/2013

Oh my dear goodness! This has been on amazing week! I am seeing a crazy
amount of miracles each and every day! Not only here in Florida, but back
home as well! However, before I get into all the really fabulous stuff I
have to tell you about the day I held a dead chicken. So once upon a time I
had a bike with a pedal that refused to stay on. Taking after my dear
father I constructed a unique solution to this problem. I have pictures...
Long story short, it involved a lot of tape and didn't work for very long.
However it did work just long enough for us to get way out in the middle of
nowhere just before the sun started to go down. Then we had an interesting
lesson with a hilarious woman who promised sister Peterson and I that we
would not die alone. Whoo! Anyway after the lesson we thought we fixed the
pedal, but it fell off like 10 seconds into our ride. The sun was going
down and Polk county doesn't believe in street lights so I decided to bike
with one pedal...for 5 miles... It was rather interesting! Luckily one of
our amazing members saw us and took us home, but before we could go home we
had to go pick up her dead chicken and thus I ended up riding in the car
with a dead chicken on my lap. Seriously it's a different world out here. I
hope I spend my whole mission in the country!
Now on to the stuff that actually matters. I have seen so many miracles in
the last 3 months, but that is to be expected. I mean my entire purpose for
existence right now is to bring people closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ. Of course I am going to witness miracles. However the thing I
didn't expect so much of was the miracles taking place back home. Each week
I get an email or a letter about how prayers are being answered and how
they are changing their life. Alyssa, I am so proud of your decision to be
baptized. You are a such a sweet spirit. I got an email from an Elder
Agusto. He said he is teaching Rhiannon and Alyssa and My sweet 10 year old
niece showed up with 2 pages of questions. Lyssa NEVER stop asking
questions. This gospel truly does have all the answers and the more
questions you ask the more you will know with all you heart it is true. I
am truly blessed. I think I may have talked about it before, but when I
first came out I though this was my way of repaying God for some of the
amazing things I have been given in my life. Well I have come to realize it
is just another way he has blessed me.
This time of year is perfect for recognizing all of our blessings. I
promise if we acknowledge all God has done for us we will never fear the
future. I love you all so very much and I know my biggest blessing is my
family and of course this gospel. Have a great week!
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

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