Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Miracles Galore!! 11/12/2013

Oh my dear goodness! This has been on amazing week! I am seeing a crazy
amount of miracles each and every day! Not only here in Florida, but back
home as well! However, before I get into all the really fabulous stuff I
have to tell you about the day I held a dead chicken. So once upon a time I
had a bike with a pedal that refused to stay on. Taking after my dear
father I constructed a unique solution to this problem. I have pictures...
Long story short, it involved a lot of tape and didn't work for very long.
However it did work just long enough for us to get way out in the middle of
nowhere just before the sun started to go down. Then we had an interesting
lesson with a hilarious woman who promised sister Peterson and I that we
would not die alone. Whoo! Anyway after the lesson we thought we fixed the
pedal, but it fell off like 10 seconds into our ride. The sun was going
down and Polk county doesn't believe in street lights so I decided to bike
with one pedal...for 5 miles... It was rather interesting! Luckily one of
our amazing members saw us and took us home, but before we could go home we
had to go pick up her dead chicken and thus I ended up riding in the car
with a dead chicken on my lap. Seriously it's a different world out here. I
hope I spend my whole mission in the country!
Now on to the stuff that actually matters. I have seen so many miracles in
the last 3 months, but that is to be expected. I mean my entire purpose for
existence right now is to bring people closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ. Of course I am going to witness miracles. However the thing I
didn't expect so much of was the miracles taking place back home. Each week
I get an email or a letter about how prayers are being answered and how
they are changing their life. Alyssa, I am so proud of your decision to be
baptized. You are a such a sweet spirit. I got an email from an Elder
Agusto. He said he is teaching Rhiannon and Alyssa and My sweet 10 year old
niece showed up with 2 pages of questions. Lyssa NEVER stop asking
questions. This gospel truly does have all the answers and the more
questions you ask the more you will know with all you heart it is true. I
am truly blessed. I think I may have talked about it before, but when I
first came out I though this was my way of repaying God for some of the
amazing things I have been given in my life. Well I have come to realize it
is just another way he has blessed me.
This time of year is perfect for recognizing all of our blessings. I
promise if we acknowledge all God has done for us we will never fear the
future. I love you all so very much and I know my biggest blessing is my
family and of course this gospel. Have a great week!
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

A new Companion 11/4/2013

Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 16:38:57 -0500
Sister Peterson (my new companion) and I have decided we are going to be
Spanish sisters. We called president Cusick on Wednesday and told him about
all of the Spanish people in our area and told him we needed Spanish
sisters. He said okay! Get studying! So feel free to call me Hermana Upshaw
now! haha Just kidding! I'm pretty sure none of you fell for that... Maybe
Danae ;P But on the real we did get permission to study sign language! We
have been kind of teaching a woman who is deaf so now instead of a fun game
of charades we actually can have somewhat of a conversation! It is pretty
Kelsey got her mission call!!!!! Oh my goodness gracious! My best friend is
going to be the absolute greatest Hermana on the planet! Isn't she
awesome!? ahhh I LOVE YOU KELCKEN! Okay I am done now, but seriously I am
super excited for her! Then Jacob comes home soon, then Randy, then Dylan!
ahhhh All of my friends are great! Missions are great! Everyone is great!
Sorry I am such a spaz today! The weather has been overcast for 3 days now
and that is pretty much unheard of here. I WORE A JACKET TODAY! It was
rather exciting! I just love that it finally feels like fall! However, it
will be 89 degrees on Thursday so... It wont last too long. Oh well!
Alright so my week was pretty much awesome! It was hard to leave sister
Nebeker because she has had such an impact on my spiritual growth, but
sister Peterson is just as awesome! She is from Washington and has been out
for almost 9 months. It has been really cool to see how much I actually
know about this area. I was pretty stressed out about taking over the area,
but Sister Peterson and I have been able to pick it up like nothing
changed. I have been praying so hard for a greater love for each and every
person I meet as well as a better memory! (It sounds silly, but there is
just so much to remember!) Honestly I know the Lord has blessed me. I love
these people like family! Honestly I am so grateful for a loving father in
Heaven. I have felt his support so strongly this week.
I received a letter from Mom saying that two of the most amazing people in
my life were having medical problems. When I read that letter my head
started to spin. I love both of them so dearly and they both have impacted
my life so profoundly. I said a prayer to myself and just asked Heavenly
father to comfort me and to help me remain focused. Immediately I knew it
would be okay. I could literally feel my father's love surround me. I know
with all my heart that God is real. He is not some"mystical being" or
"idea" He lives and He is very much aware of each of His children. He
continues to assure me of that each day.
I love you all so very much. I hope you have a wonderful week and stay
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

Another absolutely fabulous week!! 10/21/2013

Another absolutely fabulous week has come and gone out here in good ol'
Florida! Our mission president is making a lot of changes that are pretty
fabulous! Basically every privilege we have is now dependent on obedience.
The more obedient we prove to be the more privileges we get. Rumor has it
he is making sure we are obedient enough for iPads! alas... That is just a
rumor. One day! Apparently our mission is starting to use Facebook? They
told us to have our friends and family go add the page? I am guessing it is
just under Florida Tampa Mission, but I'm not sure. Sorry... I am not much
This week was a great week! Nothing too crazy happened, but we did start
teaching a gator boy! Apparently Gator boy's is some big T.V. Show out here
about rednecks wrestling gators. Anywhoo we started teaching him and he is planing to

be baptized on the 9th! Long story short... I am teaching a celebrity! Just
another day in the life of sister Upshaw! He is really great though. He
told us that he fought God for a really long time and now he feels like he
has reached calm water and is ready to make a change. What is crazy to me
is that nothing in his circumstances has changed. He is still dealing with
all the same problems, but the key thing is that now HE is ready to change.
Something I have been studying recently is choices and as I was reading in
2 Nephi it says something to the effect of God and Satan can only entice us
to do things. They can't make us do anything. Good or Bad. We have been
created to act not to be acted upon. Therefore our situations, no matter
how good or how bad, do not cause us to do anything. We decide whether we
will be prideful or humble. Christ paid the debt for us. He gave us such a
wonderful gift. It is our choice to use it or to let it be in vain. The
atonement is not the light at the end of the tunnel. It is the light that
carries us through the tunnel. I know every email I send I talk about the
atonement, but there is so much I don't understand and each week I feel
like maybe I finally get it! Only to realize the following week that I
hardly understood at all! I love it though! I don't think I will ever fully
understand, but that is okay. I know my Heavenly father loves me as well as
my savior! I feel it each day. I love you all so much and I hope you have a
safe and wonderful week!
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

BAPTISM!! 10/17/2013

A lot of really great things happened this week, but I spent all of my time trying to send pictures that didn't actually send so I don't have too much time. Therefore, I shall just tell you about the highlight of my week which was D & D's baptism!! This family is ridiculously amazing! The missionaries before me knocked on there door and made the initial contact, but I have been able to teach them all of the lessons. Sister Nebeker and I refer to them as our family. The Mom and daughter were baptized years ago, but have been less active for about 9 years. Now D and their son D are members too and the entire family just LOVES the gospel! They are some of the strongest people I have ever met. ahhhhh Being a missionary is awesome! Speaking of baptisms... I just received the most WONDERFUL news that I have to say actually exceeds my excitement for the baptism of my investigators. My beautiful niece is going to be baptized?? I didn't even know Shell was taking the discussions! I literally started to cry and jump up and down when I read that (my district thinks I am kind of strange now...). Shell, if you are reading this I am so proud of you! Expect a letter from me soon!
Man, I just don't know what I could tell you about my week that tops those two things. So here is a kind of funny story that doesn't top those things in any way shape or form...
I am so grateful I wasn't called Spanish speaking!! We went on exchanges this week with the Hermanas in Loma Verde (We switched companions for a day). I was shipped to Spanish-landia and sister Nebeker stayed here. As you would expect ALL of the lessons were in Spanish. I understood a little and managed to utter a few sentences, but other than that I was lost! I just smiled and nodded and laughed when I thought it was appropriate, which worked wonderfully until this kid totally called me out on it! I was just smiling and nodding and then he turns and (in English) he goes, "Do you understand anything they are saying?" "Nope, not a word!" He just laughed and then said something in Spanish and then everyone else laughed. No Hablo espano! oh and then we locked the keys in the car and had to wait for someone to come unlock it, but it was okay because we knocked on a door and asked for water. They let us in, we taught, gave them a book of Mormon, and a potential investigator! Whoop whoop The lord blesses us for our trials! Which reminds me of a talk I heard in sacrament meeting yesterday.
The man speaking opened his talk with saying that trials and blessings are directly related. Sometimes God gives us trials so that we will turn to him and grow in our faith. If we allow trials to weaken our faith then it doesn't do us any good. God never gives us more than we can handle WITH HIS HELP! That's the key! For every trial we endure well, we will be rewarded 10000000 X over! It may not happen immediately, but it WILL happen!
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week and stay safe!
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

The sunshine state! Where it rains everyday at 3 O'clock... 10/14/2013

Hot dog this has been a splendid week! We were blessed with SEVEN new
people to teach this week! The Lord is blessing sister Nebeker and I so
much. All of our investigators are making changes in there lives and the
blessings that have come from that are incredible. It is so exciting to see
people change for the better and to know the Lord has allowed me to be a
part of that.
Ahhh everything about Florida is just great. The people are great, the
members are strong, and the weather is gorgeous! (even when it rains) I
love it here! Funny story about the rain here. It seriously only rains on
weeks that we are on bikes. I really don't have a problem with that because
rain makes me happy and we get sympathy when we show up at peoples doors
drenched. It definitely has it's perks! However, my bike is not as much of
a fan of the rain as I am. Tuesday morning we headed out and the weather
was gorgeous. We were biking and we get to the only hill in all of Florida
and just as we reach the top my right pedal broke off! We pull off to the
side of the road and try to screw it back in and out of nowhere it starts
to pour! It was one of the hardest down pours I have seen since I have been
here. You know how it happens in the movies where a sad thing happens and
then instantly it starts pouring rain and you're just like, "seriously?
that doesn't happen!" I've got news for ya. IT DOES! So we hop back on our
bikes and ride as fast as we can. Mind you I have one pedal and am in a
skirt. Try it sometime! WE got back to the apartment soaking wet! through
our clothes in the dryer, fixed my bike and headed out again. The rain
stopped and this time we didn't make it out of the complex before my pedal
broke and then it poured rain. This happened 3 TIMES!!! Each time my pedal
fell off it started to pour. My bike can predict the weather! It's pretty
magical! For the time being I am borrowing a bike from another missionary
which has pretty much the world's hardest seat ever! Lets just say I am
stoked that we have the car this week!
Enough of me complaining. It really isn't that bad. I am getting some
pretty sick leg muscles! Somehow though I am gaining weight! It is a
mission phenomenon! I eat less and exercise more and still gain weight!!!
That's okay though. The Hispanic women all say that Mama will love me more
if I am round so that's the goal! Just kidding! Mama loves me plenty!
Oh I almost forgot! I spoke in church yesterday! I had to give a 15 minute
talk and was freaking out because I had no time to prepare. Sister Nebeker
and I would be ridding our bikes discussing our topics. It went great
though. The spirit definitely directed everything I said and I wanted to
share some of things that I learned/ realized more fully from both my talk
and Sister Nebeker's. first I think I am starting to understand how much
God not only loves each of his children, but also how much he trusts us. He
has saved each and every person here on the earth at this time for a
reason. We have a specific responsibility he needs us to carry out to
assist in his plan. Each of us is more important than we could possibly
comprehend. Then this morning I was reading in Mathew chapter 6 verses
27-30. It talks about the Lilies of the field. Christ is telling the
people that Heavenly Father has put such great care into the creation of a
simple flower that wont be here long. If he is willing to do that how much
more attention and care does he give us? His children. I am beginning to
understand what God wants for us and how much he wants us to be the very
best we can be. It brings me such hope and joy as I study the scriptures
and feel of his love for me. From all the emails I have been getting I am
very aware that He has been blessing my family back home as well as the
people here. I know that our savior loves me. I know he loves each of you.
I also know that our Father in heaven loves me and loves each of you. If
you doubt that for a second I hope you know that is Satan's influence. Have
a wonderful week everyone! Remember how great your worth is and in times of
trials lean on the savior's atonement. Know that he has spent time
experiencing the very things you are experiencing. I love you all so much
and am grateful for your support. I feel your prayers and I pray for you
Love always,
Sister Upshaw
P.s. Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith

Greetings family and friends! 10/7/2013

Greetings family and friends!
Can anyone believe I have already been gone two months? I didn't even
realize until I was overloaded with emails saying HAPPY TWO MONTHS! haha So
thank you! Good to know I haven't been forgotten! Hmmm two months ay? And
still no letters from any of my sisters... awka awkward... I really have no
room to talk. We all know I can't send a letter to save my life so I
suppose I can forgive ya. Alright enough woe is me junk! On to my fabulous
First of all my amazing roommate Kenzie entered the MTC last week! ahhh I
am so excited for her! I also received a letter from the greatest best
friend I could ever ask for who has officially submitted her MISSION
Sorry Kels! Mom said it was Facebook official so I figured I could spill
the beans to whoever actually reads my emails. I am so excited! She is
totes being called to Tampa, Florida! whooo! Missions are awesome. End of
The majority of the week was pretty normal. We found two new investigators
who are awesome! oh and taught a lesson to a boy who only speaks French.
Have I told ya'll about him yet? He's great and the lessons are a blast! He
always gets frustrated and says, "You don't speak French!" Then I yell
back, "You don't speak English!" and we laugh and it's great. Now before
you deem lessons with him as a waste of our time we do have his two younger
siblings translate during lessons. I don't really know why they speak
English, but they do and it's awesome! Then Friday I had a "good day for
the journal" as an elder in my area always says. So as I'm sure you know
there are a lot of old people here in Florida. Therefore we have a lot of
people we visit in nursing homes. Friday morning we were visiting an
investigator named E who is just the sweetest lady and also happens
to be deaf! Ya, English speaking mission my rear end! So we are talking to
E (well signing) when suddenly there is a hand on my shoulder. One
of the male patients, J, was standing behind me. J is like 80 and
thinks he is a professional cowboy (is that even a profession?). He said a
lot of really nice things/ kind of creepy things and then proceeded to ask
me on a date! He offered to take me horse back ridding as soon as he got
out of "that place". I told him maybe one day. What's the harm? He will
forget we ever had the conversation in like 5 minutes... Then like 30
minutes later we are getting ready to leave when someone pinched my bum! I
thought for sure I was going to turn around and see cowboy man. Fortunately
it was a crazy old lady named E, but still, I was horrified. Breaking
the missionary bubble before it's even fully formed! A few other things
happened that were rather interesting, but I wont go into that haha. Now on
to the spiritual stuff ya?
Well as most of you know this week was General conference! Holy light saber
Yoda! it was AWESOME! All of the talks were so inspiring and uplifting.
Unfortunately I can't go into detail on every single one, but I really
enjoyed President Monson's talk on Saturday. He talked about trials and how
they make us stronger. I am out of time, but I wanted to share the poem he
Good timber does not grow with ease,
the stronger the wind the stronger the trees,
the further the sky, the greater the length,
the more the storm the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
in trees and men, good timber grows.
We chose to come to earth to learn and become better. How can we learn and
grow if we never have difficulties?
I love you all so very much. I am grateful for the opportunity I have been
given to serve a mission. I have a testimony of the saviors love for each
of his children. This testimony is strengthened each time I feel immediate
love for complete strangers. It is the love of the savior for them that I
feel. I know this gospel is true because I have read and prayed about the
book of Mormon. The evidence of the divinity of the gospel is found in its
pages. I know the atonement is real. It is a blessing in my life as I am
striving to become more like the savior. It is a comfort to me whenever I
feel discouraged. I hope you all have an amazing week and if you missed
conference... no worries it's online! haha Love you guys!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw
p.s. Before you doubt your faith, doubt your doubts!

Hello there everyone! 9/30/2013

This week has been quite the adventure! Absolutely nothing went the way we
had planned! It all started when we got a call saying we needed to share
our car with another companionship about 30 miles away. We had already done
our planning and had apointments scheduled, but we had to give them the car
for the week. So we decided that we would manage with our bikes and try to
get rides from members so we could still do everything we had already
planned. However Sister Nebeker's bike decided to have a flat tire so we
had to get that fixed then the very next day my bike pretty much fell apart
while I was ridding and we were right in the heart of the ghetto. SWEET!
haha So we bust out our tool box and did our best to repair it. We could
not figure out what was wrong. The tire just wouldn't rotate. It was so
weird! After about 15 minutes of tinkering we just sat down and started
laughing. Seriously nothing had been going the way we planned. We stood up
and I tried to move the bike and then it moved! What the heck right!? So we
rode on to the appointment we had, but he wasn't home, but his neighbors
where! Long story short we ended up meeting two of the most amazing people
ever and they are now taking the lessons! Whoo Things like that happened
all week! Only ONE of our scheduled appointments kept there appointment!
ONE! Somehow we still had a full teaching schedule. Clearly there were
other places we needed to be. Alright I am almost out of time so summary of
the rest of my week. We had an awesome Zone conference with Elder Teh (he
is in the seventy). I was able to see Sister Ormsby there (my MTC
companion) so that was fun. Oh and my absolute favorite investigator
decided to be baptized!!! SHELL! Ahhh it was amazing to be there for that.
Shell you are amazing and I love you so much! It was kind of weird to see
Mom and Dad, but no worries I am recovering just fine. No more surprise
visits though okay? Me getting to go was another one of those unplanned
things... I had decided not to go once I found out Mom and Dad were going
and my mission president agreed that was best. Then Saturday morning I
received a phone call from president Cusik and he said that he had been
thinking about it and he felt I needed to be there. I am so grateful for a
mission president who truly cares about all of his missionaries. He is
pretty awesome. I know I jumped around a lot, but just know that I had an
amazing week full of miracles and even when our plans don't work out the
way we thought they would the Lord always has something better in store for
us. I love you all so much! Have a great week and stay safe!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw

Miracles are Everywhere! 9/23/2013

Hello Family and Friends!!
This has been a glorious week! I don't have any horror stories this week so
I guess that means I am just getting used to the wildlife here? Can you
imagine that Dad? Your daughter is adjusting to insects and amphibians!
Don't get me wrong if I see them in the house I still trip out until sister
Nebeker kills them, but I can walk outside without having a breakdown now
so that's an improvement! haha
alright so onto my week! So you know how when I received my call it said I
was speaking English here in Tampa? Well that is false! I speak a little
English, but mostly redneck, a little ASL, Espano, and French! No one here
speaks English!! Not proper English at least! I'm just being dramatic, but
we are currently teaching someone who is deaf and someone who only speaks
French! It is so much fun! Sister Nebeker knows ASL and she is teaching me
a little bit. I can bare my testimony in it and tell E that I love
her, but that is about it. I guess those are the important things for her
to know. Then we have M. He just moved from Haiti a few months ago, but
he loves God and has such a desire to know more. With him we try to use the
pamphlets a lot and his little brother translates the best he can. We
actually found out that one of the less active members in our ward speaks
French so yesterday we called her and asked if she would come to M's
with us. She surprisingly said she would and this is probably the highlight
of my week!
As we were leaving S's house (the less active member) a man yelled to
us. He kept saying that he needed a prayer. We stopped and walked over to
the fence where he was standing. We asked him what was going on and this
grown man started to sob. He told us pretty much the saddest story I have
ever heard which ended with the fact that he wanted to kill himself. I have
never seen someone this low before in my life. I looked him in the eyes and
with every bit of love and compassion I could find I said, "You are a son
of God and He loves you M." He just looked back at me and said, "NO
ma'am. Not me. God couldn't love me." I have never had anyone disagree with
me when I told them that simple truth. I was devastated and didn't know
what else to say. We just sat in silence for minutes before S spoke up
and told M of her struggles and how this gospel has helped her
overcome so much. By the end of our conversation we were all crying and I
felt the spirit so strongly. He was smiling and told us that we truly were
angels sent to save his life. We have another appointment with him this
week. We never made it over to M's house, but I know that is where we
needed to be. Sister A was able to bare her testimony and be reminded
of all God has done for her and M needed all three of us right then.
Something I realized from this is how much I take for granted the knowledge
that I have. I know I am a child of God. He loves me and has a purpose for
me in this life.
Love always,
Sister Upshaw!

Giant Sister Missionary Eating Spider! 9/9/2013

Oh my goodness this week has been grand! We have been ridiculously busy!
Three times this week we had to cut diner to about 10 minutes because we
had too much to do and yesterday we skipped it altogether! I am by no means
complaining though. That is a wonderful problem to have!
Madre, You asked if I had ridden my bike yet. Yes! I finally did! I was so
excited... for k\like 10 minutes and then I wanted to die! just kidding it
really wasn't that bad. Sister Nebeker told me I was very graceful for a
first time skirt bike rider!
That was adventure number one of the week. Adventure number two was more of
a horror story! We were attempting to visit someone up in the northern part
of our area which is also strait backwoods country kind of stuff. (Ya, this
city girl is LOST) anyway so we are knocking on a door and long story short
I see this GIANT spider web out of the corner of my eye! It was huge! like
6 feet in diameter! Then I spot the nasty little bugger that lives there! I
kid you not this spider was literally the size of a grown mans hand. the
body was the size of a palm and the legs were longer than fingers! Sister
Nebeker insisted on taking a picture with it. She startled it and made it
spaz. Before she could even move I was back in the car with the doors
locked. I have nightmares about this thing! ughhhh It's just not natural...
On another note...
The work is exploding here in Gibsonia. Our teaching pool is the largest it
has ever been since they opened the area a few years ago. Ahhhhhh It is
just so wonderful! One of our investigators is getting baptized on Sunday.
This man is amazing! He has completely changed his life around in just the
short time I have been here. He always tells us that if he is doing this
then he is going to do it 100%. Sister Nebeker and I float out of our
lessons with him. I think I already told you this, but that entire family
is my happy place! haha Someone else that I have grown to love as family is
G. He is such a sweet and caring old man! We were going to set a date
for him to be baptized, but he had a pretty bad fall this week while
working on his car. Something happened with his heart and he past out and
hit his head on the concrete. He is in the TICU right now, but we visit him
as often as we can. The first thing he said to us when we visited him at
the hospital was, " It could have been so much worse sisters. God aint done
with me yet. He blessed me." He is amazing at finding the blessing in
everything. Something kind of cool that happened yesterday. For some reason
we decided that we needed top go see G, even though a few people from
the ward had already gone to check in on him. We planned to go right after
church, but put it off until later and then finally we decided that we
really needed to go right then. As we walked up to his room someone else
had just gotten there to see him too. Turns out it was her daughter and
after we had gotten to talking about Christ and blessings and a little
about the church she told us that she had been trying to get to the
hospital since 1 PM ( it was now 6). Apparently BOTH of her cars had dead
batteries and she had to wait for someone to come jump them. I told her
maybe there was a reason we needed to be there at the same time. She
responded that she had always wondered about the Mormons and she would like
to know more. Miracles ladies and gentlemen! You can't tell me that TWO
cars having dead batteries and our plans getting switched around is just a
coincidence. I am so grateful for the blessings I have received and been
apart of since being here in Florida. It truly is amazing how much we don't
recognize Heavenly Father's hand in our lives. I have such a testimony of
the joy and peace that comes from just taking a moment to recognize all
that we have been given. I know that Heavenly father loves each of us. He
sent his son to pay for our sins and when we feel like our lives are unfair
or that he is allowing too much to happen to us, try to remember what
Christ's life was like. God didn't make his life easy. So why do we expect
ours to be? I love each of you so much! Mom, you are amazing! I thank
Heavenly father every day for my family. I have the greatest parents,
sisters, brother, in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles,
grandparents and adopted family that I could ever ask for. (My friends are
pretty great too) I love you and miss you all! I hope you have a wonderful
week! Stay safe!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw

The nomadic life of sister Upshaw 9/3/2013

That subject line will make sense later in this email I promise!
Hello family and friends! I hope all is well in the desert wasteland we
call home! Seriously I never realized how brown Vegas was until now.
Florida is so ridiculously green and beautiful! It goes from city to
country in my area like every other block and I love it! My area is right
in the heart of good ol' Polk county. One of the members here told me my
first week out that Polk stood for People Of Little Knowledge and lets just
say I am starting to understand what he meant. haha People here are
interesting, but also they are wonderful! It kind of reminds me of the
stories Dad would tell us about his family in Oklahoma. They accept me as
one of their own when I tell them about some of our family's redneck
qualities. I just have to tell them I own a pontoon and explain all of
Dad's make shift inventions and they practically beg me to come in and tell
them more. I'm spreading that redneck word padre! ahah Really though the
people are great. We have been crazy busy teaching, which is wonderful
because the days have been flying! It has settled down a bit though because
they transferred sister Godwin and gave the Highland Elders all of
Highland. So now sister Godwin and I have been exiled to Gibsonia and we
aren't quite as busy, but they did let us keep one family down in the other
area. We have already set a baptismal date so they allowed us to keep them.
Which I am grateful for because I absolutely love the entire family! Oh
this is where the whole nomadic life comment comes in. Since we had two
areas we also had two apartments and it was crazy. We had to buy two of
everything! and we were constantly forgetting different things at each
apartment like shoes and scriptures. Due to our mile restrictions we
couldn't just go to the other apt and get it so we had to do without. It
was insane! Now that we are back to just one area we are also down to one
apt so we had to pack up the Highlands apt and bring it all over to
Gibsonia. So that is why three weeks into the transfer I am still living
out of my suitcases. Really though I am glad we have been so busy. So no
complaints here!
I don't have too much time, but this week has bee fabulous. Since yesterday
was a holiday president thought it would be a good idea to move P-day to
today so we could go see people while they were out of school and off work.
While at first we were kind of bummed it turned out to be a really good
thing. We were able to see a lot of people that we normally have trouble
catching. One of those being G. G was an investigator who had a
baptism date and everything, but his brother past away a few weeks ago and
we lost contact. We had a great lesson with him that ended with all of us
in tears and were able to set up another date. He reminds me a lot of PaPa.
He acts all grumpy, but once you get to talking with him you see how sweet
he is. Love you PaPa! You better be behaving yourself! I love you too
Grams! I have so many more people I want to tell you about, but my time is
up and not to say that you don't care, but I know you are probably skimming
this section anyway haha.
In an attempt to end this email on a spiritual note here is something that
has become very apparent to me in the last month, wow I have already been
out a month? Weird... Anyway in the last month I have gained a better
understanding of the atonement. I have always understood and appreciated the
fact that Christ died for our sins and through that we have the importunity
to return to our father in heaven. What I never thought too much on was the
fact that he also suffered for our sins. Which means he has a perfect
understanding of our trials and he can sympathize better than anyone else.
So why is it that when something goes wrong we turn to worldly things when
the obvious answer is to turn to our father in heaven and our savior?
I love you all and I hope everything is going splendidly in sin city and
wherever else you might be! Have a wonderful week. Until next P-day!
Love, Sister Upshaw

Greetings mi Famillia! 8/26/2013

Here's the thing, I am pretty sure I was meant to be called Spanish
speaking because clearly I am fluent in the language (refer to the subject
line of this email). Just kidding I should probably figure out how to speak
English properly before I move on to anything else.... Ya?
Well, as I am sure you know by now, I arrived to Florida safe and sound! I
had to say goodbye to the most amazing people (my MTC district) on Tuesday.
It was way sad and became even sadder when I realized this will be
happening just about every transfer! Lame sauce! Anywhoo, I am currently
serving in a Trio with Sister Nebeker and Sister Godwin and we are covering
TWO areas! We are pretty sure what happened is sister Godwin's companion
didn't make it out this transfer because she had heart surgery. So until
she makes it out here we are balancing two areas that aren't even next to
each other! Gibsonia and Highland! Crazy stuff right? It looks like in 3
weeks we will be spliting and I will stay in Gibsonia with Sister Nebeker,
but we shall see. They are fabulous trainers! I have learned so much about
the blessings that come from EXACT obedience. Seriously in one week I have
already seen great things happen, but for the sake of ending on a spiritual
note, I will tell you about that later.
So here is Chelsea's horror story of the week. Once upon a time a girl from
Vegas who has a terrible phobia of bugs went into the home of a less active
member for dinner. (Do see where this is going yet?) SO we get in and we
sit down in the living room. We shared our message with them and visited
for a little bit. After about 20 minutes we went into the kitchen to get
our food.  TWO HUGE COCKROACHES come crawling out from underneath the sink.

It took everything Ihad in me not to scream and run out of that house crying. You would

havebeen so proud Dad! I just took a deep breath, grabbed the a piece of

meat and sat down without saying a word. Remember when president Winder told me I

would feel prompted to run at some point in my mission? Well I am pretty sure that was

the moment he was talking about! I mean I am still learning how to better understand the
promptings of the spirit, but there was definitely a voice in my head saying, "Get the

heck out!".  I am glad I did stay though because that visit was really great for their
family. We talked to them about the importance of family scripture study
and attending church and for the first time in a really long time the
entire family was at a ward function and Church the next day! So the lord
really does bless our efforts!
Alright I am short on time so I will tell you about the highlight of my
week, the Luau! The missionaries in Gibsonia had this Luau planned to help
hasten the work if you will. The idea was to invite all of our
investigators and have all of the members bring friends and then after the
Hawaiian dinner we would have tour of the church. It was an amazing turn
out! So many people came and a good portion of our investigators showed up
as well. We even got a few people who wouldn't commit to coming to church
on Sunday to see that we don't sacrifice small children (or whatever crazy
rumor they believed) and actually give it a shot! It was fabulous!
The church is small out here, but the members are wonderful and extremely
involved which makes the missionary effort so much easier! I love it here
and I can't express how grateful I am for all the support I have had in
deciding to serve a mission. I could not be here if it wasn't for you Mom
and Dad! I love you both so much! My testimony of God's love for his
children is growing each day. I love you all and hope you have an amazing
week! Stay safe!
Love Always,
Sister Chelsea Upshaw!

Week 1 at the MTC 8/14/2013

       Well hello there my lovely family and friends! How is everyone? I hope all
is well at home (I mean I know I have only been gone for a week, but I
everyone keeps telling me how Vegas will probably fall into a pit or
something while I am gone) haha So just making sure everyone is still
alive. It's funny, every time I tell someone I am from Vegas they just look
at me, put there hand on my shoulder, and tell me I am in a better place
now. Utah kids... I swear.
Mom, I know you want to know all about every moment of this week, but
honestly I couldn't remember every detail if my life depended on it. It has
been a crazy busy 7 days here in Provo and it all kind of blends together,
but alas I shall do my best. From the second I headed up the hill walking
away from you all I have felt nothing, but love from the people here.
Between the other missionaries, my teachers, and even the investigators.
Everyone has so much love! So don't worry I have been taken good care of.
My district is absolutely wonderful and my companion is even greater! Her
name is sister Ormsby. She is 21, from Australia and has an auto-immune
disease that keeps her from being able to grow hair. SO when you see
pictures don't be surprised by the fact that she is bald. She is so funny
about it though. The other day at lunch the President of the MTC came up to
our district and spoke with us for a moment and then asked to meet with her
and I later that day. At first I was like oh my gosh the PRESIDENT of the
MTC wants to meet with US??? She looked at me and goes, "Sister, it's
because I'm BALD!" ahah That really is why he wanted to meet with us. He
thought she had cancer, but it was still really great to meet with him and
his wife. The other companionship in our district and I are considering
shaving our heads because really there are just too many perks! Last night
we went to a devotional by Richard G. Scott, which was mind blowingly
awesome, and she turns to me and says maybe if I stand up he will see I am
bald and want to meet with us. Should I do it!?
I feel like I have so much more to share with you all, but I am out of
time so I will have to wrap up. I just wanted to share with you all how
much I really do love being here. I have grown so much closer to my father
in heaven. I am by no means a perfect teacher, but when I rely I on the
spirit My companion and I teach so much more effectively. I love my savior
and I am grateful to know that he knows exactly what I am going through. He
can lift me up when I need it, but also he can bring me down when it is
needed as well. Elder Scott taught last night that Sometimes we are brought
to our lowest only so we can learn and grow in faith as heavenly father
brings us back up. I love you all Have a wonderful week!
Lots of love,
Sister Upshaw
P.s. Oh ya, I was also called as a Sister training leader! Being called to
that was definitely a tender mercy. Heavenly father knew I needed to be
able to turn outward and think of others so I wouldn't be focused on
myself. Believe me, as I prepare for 14 new sisters to arrive today I
definitely have had no time to think of myself! Whoo I can't believe I have
already been here for a whole week. Time is flying by!
P.s.s. Write me on dear elder! It's free and I want to hear from you!