Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Another absolutely fabulous week!! 10/21/2013

Another absolutely fabulous week has come and gone out here in good ol'
Florida! Our mission president is making a lot of changes that are pretty
fabulous! Basically every privilege we have is now dependent on obedience.
The more obedient we prove to be the more privileges we get. Rumor has it
he is making sure we are obedient enough for iPads! alas... That is just a
rumor. One day! Apparently our mission is starting to use Facebook? They
told us to have our friends and family go add the page? I am guessing it is
just under Florida Tampa Mission, but I'm not sure. Sorry... I am not much
This week was a great week! Nothing too crazy happened, but we did start
teaching a gator boy! Apparently Gator boy's is some big T.V. Show out here
about rednecks wrestling gators. Anywhoo we started teaching him and he is planing to

be baptized on the 9th! Long story short... I am teaching a celebrity! Just
another day in the life of sister Upshaw! He is really great though. He
told us that he fought God for a really long time and now he feels like he
has reached calm water and is ready to make a change. What is crazy to me
is that nothing in his circumstances has changed. He is still dealing with
all the same problems, but the key thing is that now HE is ready to change.
Something I have been studying recently is choices and as I was reading in
2 Nephi it says something to the effect of God and Satan can only entice us
to do things. They can't make us do anything. Good or Bad. We have been
created to act not to be acted upon. Therefore our situations, no matter
how good or how bad, do not cause us to do anything. We decide whether we
will be prideful or humble. Christ paid the debt for us. He gave us such a
wonderful gift. It is our choice to use it or to let it be in vain. The
atonement is not the light at the end of the tunnel. It is the light that
carries us through the tunnel. I know every email I send I talk about the
atonement, but there is so much I don't understand and each week I feel
like maybe I finally get it! Only to realize the following week that I
hardly understood at all! I love it though! I don't think I will ever fully
understand, but that is okay. I know my Heavenly father loves me as well as
my savior! I feel it each day. I love you all so much and I hope you have a
safe and wonderful week!
Much love,
Sister Upshaw

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