Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Chelsea was called to serve in Tampa Florida for the next 18 months

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Greetings family and friends! 10/7/2013

Greetings family and friends!
Can anyone believe I have already been gone two months? I didn't even
realize until I was overloaded with emails saying HAPPY TWO MONTHS! haha So
thank you! Good to know I haven't been forgotten! Hmmm two months ay? And
still no letters from any of my sisters... awka awkward... I really have no
room to talk. We all know I can't send a letter to save my life so I
suppose I can forgive ya. Alright enough woe is me junk! On to my fabulous
First of all my amazing roommate Kenzie entered the MTC last week! ahhh I
am so excited for her! I also received a letter from the greatest best
friend I could ever ask for who has officially submitted her MISSION
Sorry Kels! Mom said it was Facebook official so I figured I could spill
the beans to whoever actually reads my emails. I am so excited! She is
totes being called to Tampa, Florida! whooo! Missions are awesome. End of
The majority of the week was pretty normal. We found two new investigators
who are awesome! oh and taught a lesson to a boy who only speaks French.
Have I told ya'll about him yet? He's great and the lessons are a blast! He
always gets frustrated and says, "You don't speak French!" Then I yell
back, "You don't speak English!" and we laugh and it's great. Now before
you deem lessons with him as a waste of our time we do have his two younger
siblings translate during lessons. I don't really know why they speak
English, but they do and it's awesome! Then Friday I had a "good day for
the journal" as an elder in my area always says. So as I'm sure you know
there are a lot of old people here in Florida. Therefore we have a lot of
people we visit in nursing homes. Friday morning we were visiting an
investigator named E who is just the sweetest lady and also happens
to be deaf! Ya, English speaking mission my rear end! So we are talking to
E (well signing) when suddenly there is a hand on my shoulder. One
of the male patients, J, was standing behind me. J is like 80 and
thinks he is a professional cowboy (is that even a profession?). He said a
lot of really nice things/ kind of creepy things and then proceeded to ask
me on a date! He offered to take me horse back ridding as soon as he got
out of "that place". I told him maybe one day. What's the harm? He will
forget we ever had the conversation in like 5 minutes... Then like 30
minutes later we are getting ready to leave when someone pinched my bum! I
thought for sure I was going to turn around and see cowboy man. Fortunately
it was a crazy old lady named E, but still, I was horrified. Breaking
the missionary bubble before it's even fully formed! A few other things
happened that were rather interesting, but I wont go into that haha. Now on
to the spiritual stuff ya?
Well as most of you know this week was General conference! Holy light saber
Yoda! it was AWESOME! All of the talks were so inspiring and uplifting.
Unfortunately I can't go into detail on every single one, but I really
enjoyed President Monson's talk on Saturday. He talked about trials and how
they make us stronger. I am out of time, but I wanted to share the poem he
Good timber does not grow with ease,
the stronger the wind the stronger the trees,
the further the sky, the greater the length,
the more the storm the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
in trees and men, good timber grows.
We chose to come to earth to learn and become better. How can we learn and
grow if we never have difficulties?
I love you all so very much. I am grateful for the opportunity I have been
given to serve a mission. I have a testimony of the saviors love for each
of his children. This testimony is strengthened each time I feel immediate
love for complete strangers. It is the love of the savior for them that I
feel. I know this gospel is true because I have read and prayed about the
book of Mormon. The evidence of the divinity of the gospel is found in its
pages. I know the atonement is real. It is a blessing in my life as I am
striving to become more like the savior. It is a comfort to me whenever I
feel discouraged. I hope you all have an amazing week and if you missed
conference... no worries it's online! haha Love you guys!
Love always,
Sister Upshaw
p.s. Before you doubt your faith, doubt your doubts!

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